Samir Giri
Samir Giri
EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
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Cited by
Obligate cross-feeding expands the metabolic niche of bacteria
L Oņa, S Giri, N Avermann, M Kreienbaum, KM Thormann, C Kost
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-9, 2021
Reciprocal fitness feedbacks promote the evolution of mutualistic cooperation
D Preussger, S Giri, LK Muhsal, L Oņa, C Kost
Current Biology 30 (18), 3580-3590. e7, 2020
Defining division of labor in microbial communities
S Giri, S Waschina, C Kaleta, C Kost
Journal of molecular biology 431 (23), 4712-4731, 2019
Metabolic dissimilarity determines the establishment of cross-feeding interactions in bacteria
S Giri, L Oņa, S Waschina, S Shitut, G Yousif, C Kaleta, C Kost
Current Biology 31 (24), 5547-5557. e6, 2021
Harnessing ecological and evolutionary principles to guide the design of microbial production consortia
S Giri, S Shitut, C Kost
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62, 228-238, 2020
Novel type III polyketide synthases biosynthesize methylated polyketides in Mycobacterium marinum
A Parvez, S Giri, GR Giri, M Kumari, R Bisht, P Saxena
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-13, 2018
Prevalent emergence of reciprocity among cross-feeding bacteria
S Giri, G Yousif, S Shitut, L Oņa, C Kost
ISME Communications 2 (1), 1-7, 2022
Obligate cross-feeding expands the metabolic niche of bacteria. Nat Ecol Evol 5: 1224–1232
L Oņa, S Giri, N Avermann, M Kreienbaum, KM Thormann, C Kost
New face in the row of human therapeutics: Bacteriocins
S Giri, J Singh
J Microbiol Res 3 (2), 78, 2013
New Insights on Cyclization Specificity of Fungal Type III Polyketide Synthase, PKSIIINc in Neurospora crassa
A Parvez, S Giri, R Bisht, P Saxena
Indian journal of microbiology 58 (3), 268-277, 2018
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of metabolic cross-feeding
S Giri
Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany, 2021
Investigation of conserved molecular interactions in fatty acyl-AMP ligases (FAALs) and fatty acyl-CoA ligases (FACLs).
S Giri
CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi, India, 2012
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Articles 1–12