Paul Keim
Paul Keim
Regents Professor, Northern Arizona University, TGen, Executive Director of Pathogen and Mcrobiome
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Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2
E Bolyen, JR Rideout, MR Dillon, NA Bokulich, CC Abnet, GA Al-Ghalith, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (8), 852-857, 2019
Multiple-Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analysis Reveals Genetic Relationships within Bacillus anthracis
P Keim, LB Price, AM Klevytska, KL Smith, JM Schupp, R Okinaka, ...
Journal of bacteriology 182 (10), 2928-2936, 2000
Staphylococcus aureus CC398: host adaptation and emergence of methicillin resistance in livestock
LB Price, M Stegger, H Hasman, M Aziz, J Larsen, PS Andersen, ...
MBio 3 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 00305-11, 2012
Yersinia pestis genome sequencing identifies patterns of global phylogenetic diversity
G Morelli, Y Song, CJ Mazzoni, M Eppinger, P Roumagnac, DM Wagner, ...
Nature genetics 42 (12), 1140-1143, 2010
Microevolution and history of the plague bacillus, Yersinia pestis
M Achtman, G Morelli, P Zhu, T Wirth, I Diehl, B Kusecek, AJ Vogler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (51), 17837-17842, 2004
Yersinia pestis and the Plague of Justinian 541–543 AD: a genomic analysis
DM Wagner, J Klunk, M Harbeck, A Devault, N Waglechner, JW Sahl, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 14 (4), 319-326, 2014
RFLP mapping in soybean: association between marker loci and variation in quantitative traits.
P Keim, BW Diers, TC Olson, RC Shoemaker
Genetics 126 (3), 735-742, 1990
Sequence and Organization of pXO1, the Large Bacillus anthracis Plasmid Harboring the Anthrax Toxin Genes
RT Okinaka, K Cloud, O Hampton, AR Hoffmaster, KK Hill, P Keim, ...
Journal of bacteriology 181 (20), 6509-6515, 1999
Comparative genome sequencing for discovery of novel polymorphisms in Bacillus anthracis
TD Read, SL Salzberg, M Pop, M Shumway, L Umayam, L Jiang, ...
Science 296 (5575), 2028-2033, 2002
Hybrid populations selectively filter gene introgression between species
GD Martinsen, TG Whitham, RJ Turek, P Keim
Evolution 55 (7), 1325-1335, 2001
Global genetic population structure of Bacillus anthracis
MN Van Ert, WR Easterday, LY Huynh, RT Okinaka, ME Hugh-Jones, ...
PloS one 2 (5), e461, 2007
Molecular Epidemiology, Evolution, and Ecology of Francisella
P Keim, A Johansson, DM Wagner
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1105 (1), 30-66, 2007
The Epidemic of Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli ST131 Is Driven by a Single Highly Pathogenic Subclone, H30-Rx
LB Price, JR Johnson, M Aziz, C Clabots, B Johnston, V Tchesnokova, ...
MBio 4 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 00377-13, 2013
Molecular evolution and diversity in Bacillus anthracis as detected by amplified fragment length polymorphism markers
P Keim, A Kalif, J Schupp, K Hill, SE Travis, K Richmond, DM Adair, ...
Journal of bacteriology 179 (3), 818-824, 1997
RFLP analysis of soybean seed protein and oil content
BW Diers, P Keim, WR Fehr, RC Shoemaker
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 83, 608-612, 1992
A detailed linkage map of rainbow trout produced using doubled haploids
WP Young, PA Wheeler, VH Coryell, P Keim, GH Thorgaard
Genetics 148 (2), 839-850, 1998
Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in US Meat and Poultry
AE Waters, T Contente-Cuomo, J Buchhagen, CM Liu, L Watson, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 52 (10), 1227-1230, 2011
A rapid protocol for isolating soybean DNA.
P Keim, TC Olson, RC Shoemaker
Genetically based trait in a dominant tree affects ecosystem processes
JA Schweitzer, JK Bailey, BJ Rehill, GD Martinsen, SC Hart, RL Lindroth, ...
Ecology letters 7 (2), 127-134, 2004
Anthrax molecular epidemiology and forensics: using the appropriate marker for different evolutionary scales
P Keim, MN Van Ert, T Pearson, AJ Vogler, LY Huynh, DM Wagner
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 4 (3), 205-213, 2004
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Articles 1–20