V. Jetten
V. Jetten
Hoogleraar Natural hazards and Disaster Risk Management Univ Twente
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Modeling response of soil erosion and runoff to changes in precipitation and cover
MA Nearing, V Jetten, C Baffaut, O Cerdan, A Couturier, M Hernandez, ...
Catena 61 (2-3), 131-154, 2005
Characterising spectral, spatial and morphometric properties of landslides for semi-automatic detection using object-oriented methods
TR Martha, N Kerle, V Jetten, CJ van Westen, KV Kumar
Geomorphology 116 (1-2), 24-36, 2010
Erosion models: quality of spatial predictions
V Jetten, G Govers, R Hessel
Hydrological processes 17 (5), 887-900, 2003
Evaluation of field-scale and catchment-scale soil erosion models
V Jetten, AD De Roo, D Favis-Mortlock
Catena 37 (3-4), 521-541, 1999
Predicting depressional storage from soil surface roughness
EC Kamphorst, V Jetten, J Guerif, J Pitk AĻ Nen, BV Iversen, JT Douglas, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (5), 1749-1758, 2000
Segment optimization and data-driven thresholding for knowledge-based landslide detection by object-based image analysis
TR Martha, N Kerle, CJ Van Westen, V Jetten, KV Kumar
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 49 (12), 4928-4943, 2011
Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchromatic images for creation of historical landslide inventories
TR Martha, N Kerle, CJ Van Westen, V Jetten, KV Kumar
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 67, 105-119, 2012
Landslide hazard and risk assessment using semi-automatically created landslide inventories
TR Martha, CJ van Westen, N Kerle, V Jetten, KV Kumar
Geomorphology 184, 139-150, 2013
Calibrating and validating the LISEM model for two data sets from the Netherlands and South Africa
APJ De Roo, VG Jetten
Catena 37 (3-4), 477-493, 1999
Object-based gully feature extraction using high spatial resolution imagery
RBV Shruthi, N Kerle, V Jetten
Geomorphology 134 (3-4), 260-268, 2011
Developing a minimum data set for characterizing soil dynamics in shifting cultivation systems
M Yemefack, VG Jetten, DG Rossiter
Soil and Tillage Research 86 (1), 84-98, 2006
Prediction of soil depth using environmental variables in an anthropogenic landscape, a case study in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India
SL Kuriakose, S Devkota, DG Rossiter, VG Jetten
Catena 79 (1), 27-38, 2009
Selecting and weighting spatial predictors for empirical modeling of landslide susceptibility in the Darjeeling Himalayas (India)
S Ghosh, EJM Carranza, CJ van Westen, VG Jetten, DN Bhattacharya
Geomorphology 131 (1-2), 35-56, 2011
Quantitative landslide hazard assessment along a transportation corridor in southern India
P Jaiswal, CJ van Westen, V Jetten
Engineering geology 116 (3-4), 236-250, 2010
Analysing post-earthquake landslide activity using multi-temporal landslide inventories near the epicentral area of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
C Tang, CJ Van Westen, H Tanyas, VG Jetten
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (12), 2641-2655, 2016
Effects of tillage on runoff and erosion patterns
I Takken, G Govers, V Jetten, J Nachtergaele, A Steegen, J Poesen
Soil and Tillage Research 61 (1-2), 55-60, 2001
Interception of tropical rain forest: performance of a canopy water balance model
VG Jetten
Hydrological processes 10 (5), 671-685, 1996
Monitoring basin-scale land cover changes in Kagera Basin of Lake Victoria using ancillary data and remote sensing
JE Wasige, TA Groen, E Smaling, V Jetten
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 21, 32-42, 2013
Estimating Manning's n for steep slopes
R Hessel, V Jetten, Z Guanghui
Catena 54 (1-2), 77-91, 2003
Exploring effects of rainfall intensity and duration on soil erosion at the catchment scale using openLISEM: Prado catchment, SE Spain
JEM Baartman, VG Jetten, CJ Ritsema, J de Vente
Hydrological processes 26 (7), 1034-1049, 2012
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Articles 1–20