Stan Yip
Cited by
Cited by
A simple, coherent framework for partitioning uncertainty in climate predictions
S Yip, CAT Ferro, DB Stephenson, E Hawkins
Journal of climate 24 (17), 4634-4643, 2011
Incidence and risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity from 2 neonatal intensive care units in a Hong Kong Chinese population
GSK Yau, JWY Lee, VTY Tam, CCL Liu, S Yip, E Cheng, BCY Chu, ...
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 5 (3), 185-191, 2016
Jacobi stability analysis of the Lorenz system
T Harko, CY Ho, CS Leung, S Yip
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2015
Uncertainty in twenty-first-century CMIP5 sea level projections
CM Little, RM Horton, RE Kopp, M Oppenheimer, S Yip
Journal of Climate 28 (2), 838-852, 2015
Incidence and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity in multiple gestations: a Chinese population study
GSK Yau, JWY Lee, VTY Tam, S Yip, E Cheng, CCL Liu, BCY Chu, ...
Medicine 94 (18), e867, 2015
Improved space–time forecasting of next day ozone concentrations in the eastern US
SK Sahu, S Yip, DM Holland
Atmospheric Environment 43 (3), 494-501, 2009
Impact of low vaccine coverage on the resurgence of COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe
G Fan, H Song, S Yip, T Zhang, D He
One Health 14, 100402, 2022
Sources of uncertainty in future projections of the carbon cycle
AJ Hewitt, BBB Booth, CD Jones, ES Robertson, AJ Wiltshire, PG Sansom, ...
Journal of Climate 29 (20), 7203-7213, 2016
A fast Bayesian method for updating and forecasting hourly ozone levels
SK Sahu, S Yip, DM Holland
Environmental and ecological statistics 18, 185-207, 2011
Differences in risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity development in paired twins: a Chinese population study
GSK Yau, JWY Lee, VTY Tam, S Yip, E Cheng, CCL Liu, BCY Chu, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 212183, 2014
Cross-sectional study of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness at 7 years after an acute episode of unilateral primary acute angle closure
JWY Lee, TTY Woo, GSK Yau, S Yip, DWF Yick, J Wong, RLM Wong, ...
Medicine 94 (2), e391, 2015
Spatio-temporal detection for dengue outbreaks in the Central Region of Malaysia using climatic drivers at mesoscale and synoptic scale
S Yip, NC Him, NI Jamil, D He, SK Sahu
Climate Risk Management 36, 100429, 2022
The 2012 legislative council election in Hong Kong
S Yip, R Yeung
Electoral Studies 35, 366-370, 2014
Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling for forecasting ground level ozone concentration levels
CY Yip
University of Southampton, 2010
Forecasting number of corner kicks taken in association football using compound Poisson distribution
S Yip, Y Zou, RTH Hung, KFC Yiu
Journal of Operational Research Society, 2024
Analytic Methods in Sports–Using Mathematics and Statistics to Understand Data from Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Other
S Yip
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 185 …, 2022
Reply to “Comments on ‘A Simple, Coherent Framework for Partitioning Uncertainty in Climate Predictions’”
S Yip, CAT Ferro, DB Stephenson, E Hawkins
Journal of Climate 26 (12), 4377-4377, 2013
Reply to" Comments on'A simple, coherent framework for partitioning uncertainty in climate
S Yip, CAT Ferro, DB Stephenson
Journal of Climate, 0
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