Flavia Maria Darcie Marquitti
Flavia Maria Darcie Marquitti
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Biodiversity, species interactions and ecological networks in a fragmented world
M Hagen, WD Kissling, C Rasmussen, MAM De Aguiar, LE Brown, ...
Advances in ecological research 46, 89-210, 2012
Analysis of a hyper‐diverse seed dispersal network: modularity and underlying mechanisms
CI Donatti, PR Guimarães, M Galetti, MA Pizo, FMD Marquitti, R Dirzo
Ecology letters 14 (8), 773-781, 2011
Structure and mechanism of diet specialisation: testing models of individual variation in resource use with sea otters
M Tim Tinker, PR Guimarães Jr, M Novak, FMD Marquitti, JL Bodkin, ...
Ecology letters 15 (5), 475-483, 2012
MODULAR: software for the autonomous computation of modularity in large network sets
FMD Marquitti, PR Guimaraes Jr, MM Pires, LF Bittencourt
Ecography 37 (3), 221-224, 2014
The missing part of seed dispersal networks: structure and robustness of bat-fruit interactions
MAR Mello, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimaraes Jr, EKV Kalko, P Jordano, ...
PLoS One 6 (2), e17395, 2011
Keystone species in seed dispersal networks are mainly determined by dietary specialization
MAR Mello, FA Rodrigues, LF Costa, WD Kissling, ÇH Şekercioğlu, ...
Oikos 124 (8), 1031-1039, 2015
The modularity of seed dispersal: differences in structure and robustness between bat–and bird–fruit networks
MAR Mello, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimarães, EKV Kalko, P Jordano, ...
Oecologia 167, 131-140, 2011
Model-based estimation of transmissibility and reinfection of SARS-CoV-2 P. 1 variant
RM Coutinho, FMD Marquitti, LS Ferreira, ME Borges, RLP da Silva, ...
Communications Medicine 1 (1), 48, 2021
The structure of ant–plant ecological networks: is abundance enough?
W Dáttilo, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimarães Jr, TJ Izzo
Ecology 95 (2), 475-485, 2014
Nestedness across biological scales
M Cantor, MM Pires, FMD Marquitti, RLG Raimundo, ...
PloS one 12 (2), e0171691, 2017
Model-based evaluation of transmissibility and reinfection for the P. 1 variant of the SARS-CoV-2
RM Coutinho, FMD Marquitti, LS Ferreira, ME Borges, RLP da Silva, ...
MedRxiv, medRxiv: 2021.2003. 2003.21252706, 2021
Estimating the impact of implementation and timing of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Brazil: a counterfactual analysis
LS Ferreira, FMD Marquitti, RLP da Silva, ME Borges, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Americas 17, 2023
Signatures of microevolutionary processes in phylogenetic patterns
CLN Costa, P Lemos-Costa, FMD Marquitti, LD Fernandes, MF Ramos, ...
Systematic biology 68 (1), 131-144, 2019
Modelling the heart as a communication system
H Ashikaga, J Aguilar-Rodríguez, S Gorsky, E Lusczek, FMD Marquitti, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (105), 20141201, 2015
Brazil in the face of new SARS-CoV-2 variants: emergencies and challenges in public health
FMD Marquitti, RM Coutinho, LS Ferreira, ME Borges, TP Portella, ...
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 24, e210022, 2021
The friendship paradox in species-rich ecological networks: Implications for conservation and monitoring
MM Pires, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimaraes Jr
Biological conservation 209, 245-252, 2017
Assessing the best time interval between doses in a two-dose vaccination regimen to reduce the number of deaths in an ongoing epidemic of SARS-CoV-2
L Souto Ferreira, O Canton, RLP da Silva, S Poloni, V Sudbrack, ...
PLoS computational biology 18 (3), e1009978, 2022
Ecology of mutualisms
PR Guimarães, MM Pires, FMD Marquitti, RLG Raimundo
eLS, 1-9, 2016
Interaction generalisation and demographic feedbacks drive the resilience of plant–insect networks to extinctions
KP Maia, FMD Marquitti, IP Vaughan, J Memmott, RLG Raimundo
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2109-2121, 2021
Allopatry increases the balance of phylogenetic trees during radiation under neutral speciation
FMD Marquitti, LD Fernandes, MAM de Aguiar
Ecography 43 (10), 1487-1498, 2020
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Articles 1–20