David Boaz
David Boaz
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Distributed, intelligent, interactive visualization and exploration of time-oriented clinical data and their abstractions
Y Shahar, D Goren-Bar, D Boaz, G Tahan
Artificial intelligence in medicine 38 (2), 115-135, 2006
A framework for distributed mediation of temporal-abstraction queries to clinical databases
D Boaz, Y Shahar
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 34 (1), 3-24, 2005
Barcelona: A design and runtime environment for declarative artifact-centric BPM
F Heath, D Boaz, M Gupta, R Vaculín, Y Sun, R Hull, L Limonad
Service-Oriented Computing: 11th International Conference, ICSOC 2013 …, 2013
Self-organizing maps for multi-objective Pareto frontiers
S Chen, D Amid, OM Shir, L Limonad, D Boaz, A Anaby-Tavor, T Schreck
2013 IEEE pacific visualization symposium (PacificVis), 153-160, 2013
Idan: A distributed temporal-abstraction mediator for medical databases
D Boaz, Y Shahar
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, 21-30, 2003
KNAVE II: the definition and implementation of an intelligent tool for visualization and exploration of time-oriented clinical data
D Goren-Bar, Y Shahar, M Galperin-Aizenberg, D Boaz, G Tahan
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 171-174, 2004
Method, apparatus, and system for conflict detection and resolution for competing intent classifiers in modular conversation system
D Amid, D Boaz, TK Ho, A Kantor, LA Lastras-Montano, NR Mallinar
US Patent 10,553,202, 2020
Applying temporal abstraction in medical information systems
M Balaban, D Boaz, Y Shahar
Ann Math Comput Teleinform 1 (1), 56-64, 2003
A generic business artifacts based authorization framework for cross-enterprise collaboration
L Limonad, D Boaz, R Hull, R Vaculin, F Heath
2012 annual srii global conference, 70-79, 2012
KNAVE-II: A distributed architecture for interactive visualization and intelligent exploration of time-oriented clinical data
Y Shahar, D Goren-Bar, M Galperin, D Boaz, G Tahan
Proceedings of Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology …, 2003
Multiobjective optimization through user interactive navigation in a design space
D Amid, A Anaby-Tavor, D Boaz, M Masin, S Chen, O Shir
US Patent App. 13/937,231, 2015
Self organizing maps for visualizing an objective space
D Amid, A Anaby-Tavor, P Bak, D Boaz, S Chen, OM Shir
US Patent 9,104,963, 2015
A temporal-abstraction rule language for medical databases
D Boaz, M Balaban, Y Shahar
Proceeding of the workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and …, 2003
Method, apparatus, and system for conflict detection and resolution for competing intent classifiers in modular conversation system
D Amid, D Boaz, TK Ho, A Kantor, LA Lastras-Montano, NR Mallinar
US Patent 10,510,336, 2019
A distributed temporal-abstraction mediation architecture for medical databases
D Boaz, Y Shahar
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 34 (1), 3-24, 2005
Pareto optimization and tradeoff analysis applied to meta-learning of multiple simulation criteria
OM Shir, S Chen, D Amid, D Boaz, A Anaby-Tavor, D Moor
2013 Winter simulations conference (WSC), 89-100, 2013
Interactive visualization and exploration of time-oriented clinical data using a distributed temporal-abstraction architecture
Y Shahar, D Boaz, G Tahan, M Galperin, D Goren-Bar, H Kaizer, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2003, 1004, 2003
Pluggable analysis viewpoints for design space exploration
M Masin, L Limonad, A Sela, D Boaz, L Greenberg, N Mashkif, R Rinat
Procedia Computer Science 16, 226-235, 2013
The ACSI Hub: A Data-centric Environment for Service Interoperation.
D Boaz, T Heath, M Gupta, L Limonad, Y Sun, R Hull, R Vaculín
Bpm (demos), 11, 2014
Bizartifact: Artifact-centric business process management, june 2013
D Boaz, L Limonad, M Gupta
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