Minhua Ding
Minhua Ding
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MIMO minimum total MSE transceiver design with imperfect CSI at both ends
M Ding, SD Blostein
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (3), 1141-1150, 2008
Maximum mutual information design for MIMO systems with imperfect channel knowledge
M Ding, SD Blostein
IEEE transactions on information theory 56 (10), 4793-4801, 2010
Relation between joint optimizations for multiuser MIMO uplink and downlink with imperfect CSI
M Ding, SD Blostein
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Multiple-input multiple-output wireless system designs with imperfect channel knowledge
M Ding
Queen's University, 2008
Interference statistics and performance analysis of MIMO ad hoc networks in binomial fields
J Chen, M Ding, QT Zhang
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 61 (5), 2033-2043, 2012
Uplink-downlink duality in normalized MSE or SINR under imperfect channel knowledge
M Ding, SD Blostein
IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 3786-3790, 2007
Joint optimization for multiuser MIMO uplink systems with imperfect CSI
M Ding, SD Blostein
2008 24th Biennial Symposium on Communications, 191-195, 2008
Latency Minimization with Optimum Workload Distribution and Power Control for Fog Computing
S Atapattu, C Weeraddana, M Ding, H Inaltekin, J Evans
IEEE WCNC 2020, 2020
MIMO LMMSE transceiver design with imperfect CSI at both ends
M Ding, SD Blostein
2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 4369-4374, 2007
Low-feedback adaptive-rate mimo spatial multiplexing with zero forcing detection
M Ding, SD Blostein
Stochastic precoding for MISO interference channels with channel mean feedback
M Ding, QT Zhang
IEEE transactions on communications 60 (4), 1082-1090, 2012
Energy-Efficiency Fairness of Interference Multi-Relay Networks for Multi-User Communications
M Ding, S Atapattu, C Weeraddana, J Evans
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (3), 2020
A general framework for MIMO transceiver design with imperfect CSI and transmit correlation
M Ding, SD Blostein, WH Mow, C Siriteanu
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Stochastic optimization based on the Laplace transform order with applications to precoder designs
M Ding, QT Zhang
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Distributed precoding for MISO interference channels with channel mean feedback: Algorithms and analysis
M Ding, O Tirkkonen, RA Berry, S Ulukus
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5640-5645, 2013
Transmit precoding in a noncoherent relay channel with channel mean feedback
M Ding, QT Zhang
IEEE transactions on information theory 58 (1), 382-392, 2012
Interference analysis and outage performance of finite multi-antenna ad hoc networks
J Chen, QT Zhang, M Ding
2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2011
Source optimization in MISO Relaying with channel mean feedback: A stochastic ordering approach
M Ding, QT Zhang
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
MIMO LMMSE transceiver design with imperfect CSI at both ends
SD Blostein, M Ding
IEEE, 2007
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