Scott Bucking
Scott Bucking
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A methodology for identifying the influence of design variations on building energy performance
S Bucking, R Zmeureanu, A Athienitis
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 7 (6), 411-426, 2014
An information driven hybrid evolutionary algorithm for optimal design of a net zero energy house
S Bucking, R Zmeureanu, A Athienitis
Solar Energy 96, 128-139, 2013
Balancing trade-offs between deep energy retrofits and heritage conservation: A methodology and case study
L Ide, M Gutland, S Bucking, M Santana Quintero
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 16 (1), 97-116, 2022
Distributed evolutionary algorithm for co-optimization of building and district systems for early community energy masterplanning
S Bucking, V Dermardiros
Applied Soft Computing 63, 14-22, 2018
Energy and comfort performance benefits of early detection of building sensor and actuator faults
B Gunay, W Shen, B Huchuk, C Yang, S Bucking, W O’Brien
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 39 (6), 652-666, 2018
Building performance optimization of net zero‐energy buildings
S Attia, M Hamdy, S Carlucci, L Pagliano, S Bucking, A Hasan
Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net‐Zero Energy Buildings, 175-206, 2015
On modelling of resiliency events using building performance simulation: a multi-objective approach
S Bucking, M Rostami, J Reinhart, M St-Jacques
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 15 (3), 307-322, 2022
Spatially and temporally sensitive consumption-based emission factors from mixed-use electrical grids for building electrical use
M St-Jacques, S Bucking, W O'Brien
Energy and Buildings 224, 110249, 2020
Energy performance, comfort, and lessons learned from an institutional building designed for net zero energy
V Dermardiros, PE Scott Bucking PhD
ASHRAE Transactions 125, 682-695, 2019
Design optimization methodology for a near net zero energy demonstration home
S Bucking, A Athienitis, R Zmeureanu, W O’Brien, M Doiron
Proceeding of EuroSun, 2010
A framework for a multi-source, data-driven building energy management toolkit
AA Markus, BW Hobson, HB Gunay, S Bucking
Energy and Buildings 250, 111255, 2021
A method for extracting performance metrics using work-order data
S Dutta, H Burak Gunay, S Bucking
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 26 (3), 414-425, 2020
Modeling of thermal energy sharing in integrated energy communities with micro-thermal networks
A Abdalla, S Mohamed, S Bucking, JS Cotton
Energy and Buildings 248, 111170, 2021
Multi-objective optimal design of a near net zero energy solar house
S Bucking, R Zmeureanu, A Athienitis
Does a knowledge gap contribute to the performance gap? Interviews with building operators to identify how data-driven insights are interpreted
AA Markus, BW Hobson, HB Gunay, S Bucking
Energy and Buildings 268, 112238, 2022
BIM to BEM translation workflows and their challenges: a case study using a detailed BIM model
H Fernald, S Hong, S Bucking, W O’Brien
Proceedings of the eSim, 2018
Optimization under economic uncertainty using a net zero energy commercial office case study
S Bucking
Optimization of net-zero energy solar communities: effect of uncertainty due to occupant factors
S Bucking, A Athienitis, R Zmeureanu
ISES World Conference 28, 1523-1528, 2011
Benchmarking operational performance of buildings by text mining tenant surveys
S Dutta, HB Gunay, S Bucking
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 27 (6), 741-755, 2021
Pathways to net-zero energy buildings: An optimization methodology
S Bucking
Concordia University, 2013
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