What is community? An evidence-based definition for participatory public health KM MacQueen, E McLellan, DS Metzger, S Kegeles, RP Strauss, R Scotti, ... American journal of public health 91 (12), 1929-1938, 2001 | 1270 | 2001 |
Informant consensus: a new approach for identifying potentially effective medicinal plants RT Trotter, MH Logan Plants and indigenous medicine and diet, 91-112, 2019 | 1267 | 2019 |
Qualitative research sample design and sample size: Resolving and unresolved issues and inferential imperatives RT Trotter II Preventive medicine 55 (5), 398-400, 2012 | 1054 | 2012 |
Curanderismo, Mexican American Folk Healing RT Trotter, JA Chavira University of Georgia Press, 1997 | 379 | 1997 |
Multiple-informant ranking of the disabling effects of different health conditions in 14 countries. WHO/NIH Joint Project CAR Study Group. TB Ustün, J Rehm, S Chatterji, S Saxena, R Trotter, R Room, ... Lancet (London, England) 354 (9173), 111-115, 1999 | 346 | 1999 |
Cross-cultural views on stigma, valuation, parity, and societal values towards disability R Room, J Rehm, RT Trotter II, A Paglia, TB Üstün Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2001 | 221 | 2001 |
Latino beliefs about diabetes. SC Weller, RD Baer, LM Pachter, RT Trotter, M Glazer, ... Diabetes care 22 (5), 722-728, 1999 | 202 | 1999 |
A methodological model for rapid assessment, response, and evaluation: the RARE program in public health RT Trotter, RH Needle, E Goosby, C Bates, M Singer Field methods 13 (2), 137-159, 2001 | 196 | 2001 |
A Cross-Cultural Approach to the Study of the Folk Illness Nervios RD Baer, SC Weller, JG de Alba Garcia, M Glazer, R Trotter, L Pachter, ... Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 27, 315-337, 2003 | 179 | 2003 |
Plants in indigenous medicine and diet RT Trotter, MH Logan, NL Etkin Behavioural approaches 91, 112, 1986 | 165 | 1986 |
Mapping social networks, spatial data, & hidden populations JJ Schensul, MD LeCompte, RT Trotter, EK Cromley, M Singer (No Title), 1999 | 162 | 1999 |
Rapid assessment of the HIV/AIDS crisis in racial and ethnic minority communities: an approach for timely community interventions RH Needle, RT Trotter, M Singer, C Bates, JB Page, D Metzger, ... American Journal of Public Health 93 (6), 970-979, 2003 | 159 | 2003 |
Regional Variation in Latino Descriptions of Susto SC Weller, RD Baer, JG de Alba Garcia, M Glazer, R Trotter, L Pachter, ... Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 26, 449-472, 2002 | 153 | 2002 |
Disability and culture: universalism and diversity TB Üstün, S Chatterji, JE Bickenbach, RT Trotter II, R Room, J Rehm, ... | 152 | 2001 |
Methods in applied anthropology T RT Handbook of methods in cultural anthropology, 691-735, 1998 | 149 | 1998 |
HIV risk in intravenous drug users and crack cocaine smokers: predicting stage of change for condom use. AM Bowen, R Trotter Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63 (2), 238, 1995 | 148 | 1995 |
Variation in asthma beliefs and practices among mainland Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, Mexicans, and Guatemalans LM Pachter, SC Weller, RD Baer, JE Garcia de Alba Garcia, RT Trotter, ... Journal of asthma 39 (2), 119-134, 2002 | 142 | 2002 |
Oral communication apprehension and Hispanics: An exploration of oral communication apprehension among Mexican American students in Texas H Mejias, RL Applbaum, SJ Applbaum, RT Trotter Language anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications, 87-97, 1991 | 125 | 1991 |
Perceived condom norms and HIV risks among social and sexual networks of young African American men who have sex with men JL Peterson, R Rothenberg, JM Kraft, C Beeker, R Trotter Health education research 24 (1), 119-127, 2009 | 124 | 2009 |
HIV risk behaviors associated with the injection process: multiperson use of drug injection equipment and paraphernalia in injection drug user networks RH Needle, S Coyle, H Cesari, R Trotter, M Clatts, S Koester, L Price, ... Substance use & misuse 33 (12), 2403-2423, 1998 | 117 | 1998 |