Luigi Vandi
Luigi Vandi
Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland
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Composites of wood and biodegradable thermoplastics: A review
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock
Polymer Reviews 58 (3), 444-494, 2018
The mechanical properties of natural fibre composite laminates: A statistical study
JP Torres, LJ Vandi, M Veidt, MT Heitzmann
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 98, 99-104, 2017
Wood-PHA composites: Mapping opportunities
LJ Vandi, CM Chan, A Werker, D Richardson, B Laycock, S Pratt
Polymers 10 (7), 751, 2018
Insights into the biodegradation of PHA/wood composites: Micro-and macroscopic changes
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock
Sustainable Materials and Technologies 21, e00099, 2019
Synthesis, microstructure, and mechanical behaviour of a unique porous PHBV scaffold manufactured using selective laser sintering
SH Diermann, M Lu, Y Zhao, LJ Vandi, M Dargusch, H Huang
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 84, 151-160, 2018
Mechanical and physical stability of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites (WPCs) under natural weathering
CM Chan, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock, LJ Vandi
Polymer Testing 73, 214-221, 2019
Understanding the effect of copolymer content on the processability and mechanical properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)/wood composites
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, Y Ma, GQ Chen, D Richardson, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 124, 105437, 2019
Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoate-rich biomass assessment and quality control using thermogravimetric measurement methods
CM Chan, P Johansson, P Magnusson, LJ Vandi, M Arcos-Hernandez, ...
Polymer Degradation and Stability 144, 110-120, 2017
A biocompatible thermoset polymer binder for Direct Ink Writing of porous titanium scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
Y Chen, P Han, LJ Vandi, A Dehghan-Manshadi, J Humphry, D Kent, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 95, 160-165, 2019
Extrusion of wood fibre reinforced poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV) biocomposites: Statistical analysis of the effect of processing conditions on mechanical …
LJ Vandi, CM Chan, A Werker, D Richardson, B Laycock, S Pratt
Polymer degradation and stability 159, 1-14, 2019
Interface diffusion and morphology of aerospace grade epoxy co-cured with thermoplastic polymers
LJ Vandi, M Hou, M Veidt, RW Truss, M Heitzmann, R Paton
28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2012 …, 2012
Mechanical performance and long-term indoor stability of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites (WPCs) modified by non-reactive additives
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock
European Polymer Journal 98, 337-346, 2018
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Bioplastics from Organic Waste
S Pratt, LJ Vandi, D Gapes, A Werker, A Oehmen, B Laycock
Biorefinery Integrated Sustainable Processes for Biomass Conversion to …, 2019
Morphology of an interface between polyetherimide and epoxy prepreg
MT Heitzmann, M Hou, M Veidt, LJ Vandi, R Paton
Advanced Materials Research 393, 184-188, 2012
Mechanical properties of poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate‐co‐3‐hydroxyvalerate)/wood flour composites: Effect of interface modifiers
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock
Journal of applied polymer science 135 (43), 46828, 2018
Mechanical stability of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based wood plastic composites (WPCs)
CM Chan, LJ Vandi, S Pratt, P Halley, D Richardson, A Werker, B Laycock
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 28, 1571-1577, 2020
Mechanical properties of polyamide 11 reinforced with cellulose nanofibres from Triodia pungens
S Rohner, J Humphry, CM Chaléat, LJ Vandi, DJ Martin, N Amiralian, ...
Cellulose 25, 2367-2380, 2018
Multi-scaled polymer-based composite materials synthesized by mechanical alloying
SD Kaloshkin, LJ Vandi, VV Tcherdyntsev, EV Shelekhov, VD Danilov
Journal of alloys and compounds 483 (1-2), 195-199, 2009
Statistical data for the tensile properties of natural fibre composites
JP Torres, LJ Vandi, M Veidt, MT Heiztmann
Data in brief 12, 222-226, 2017
Experimental data for extrusion processing and tensile properties of poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV) polymer and wood fibre reinforced PHBV biocomposites
LJ Vandi, CM Chan, A Werker, D Richardson, B Laycock, S Pratt
Data in brief 22, 687-692, 2019
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