Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2012 PJ De Lange, JR Rolfe, PD Champion, S Courtney, PB Heenan, ... Publishing Team, Department of Conversation, 2013 | 398 | 2013 |
Making Carex monophyletic (Cyperaceae, tribe Cariceae): a new broader circumscription Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (1), 1-42, 2015 | 96 | 2015 |
A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles Global Carex Group, EH Roalson, P Jiménez‐Mejías, AL Hipp, ... Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59 (4), 726-762, 2021 | 94 | 2021 |
Megaphylogenetic specimen-level approaches to the Carex (Cyperaceae) phylogeny using ITS, ETS, and matK sequences: implications for classification P Jiménez-Mejías, M Hahn, K Lueders, JR Starr, BH Brown, ... Systematic Botany 41 (3), 500-518, 2016 | 67 | 2016 |
Checklist of the New Zealand flora: seed plants I Schönberger, AD Wilton, KF Boardman, I Breitwieser, P de Lange, ... Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. II. Allan Herbarium, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Phylogeny and biogeography of Craspedia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) based on ITS, ETS and psbA-trnH sequence data KA Ford, JM Ward, RD Smissen, SJ Wagstaff, I Breitwieser Taxon 56 (3), 783-794, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Transcriptional and biochemical signatures of divergence in natural populations of two species of New Zealand alpine Pachycladon C Voelckel, PB Heenan, B Janssen, M Reichelt, K Ford, R Hofmann, ... Molecular Ecology 17 (21), 4740-4753, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
Checklist of the New Zealand flora–hornworts, liverworts and mosses ES Gibb, AD Wilton, I Schönberger, AJ Fife, DS Glenny, JE Beever, ... Lincoln: Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research. doi 10, P14K9Z, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Checklist of the New Zealand flora–ferns and lycophytes I Schönberger, AD Wilton, PJ Brownsey, L Perrie, KF Boardman, ... Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research: Lincoln, New Zealand, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
An illustrated guide to common grasses, sedges, and rushes of New Zealand P Champion New Zealand Plant Protection Society, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Carex (Cyperaceae)—two new species from the calcareous mountains of North‐West Nelson, New Zealand KA Ford New Zealand Journal of Botany 45 (4), 721-730, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
An Evolutionary Study of Carex Subg. Psyllophorae (Cyperaceae) Sheds Light on a Strikingly Disjunct Distribution in the Southern Hemisphere, With Emphasis on … C Benítez-Benítez, A Otero, KA Ford, P García-Moro, S Donadío, ... Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 735302, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Characterisation of SSR markers for New Zealand Craspedia and their application in Kahurangi National Park I Breitwieser, KA Ford, RD Smissen New Zealand Journal of Botany 53 (1), 60-73, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
New species of Craspedia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from Tasmania and determination of the identity of C. macrocephala Hook. R A.C., AM Buchanan, KA Ford Kanunnah 4, 93-116, 2011 | 7* | 2011 |
A test of reproductive isolation among three sympatric putative species of Craspedia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) at Mt Arthur in New Zealand I Breitwieser, KA Ford, RD Smissen New Zealand Journal of Botany 48 (2), 75-81, 2010 | 7 | 2010 |
Carex impexa (Cyperaceae), a newly described sedge from New Zealand KA Ford New Zealand Journal of Botany 36 (4), 587-592, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
Four new species of Craspedia (Compositae/Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) from the South Island of New Zealand, all characterised by dark red-purple anthers I Breitwieser, KA Ford New Zealand Journal of Botany 61 (2-3), 131-157, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Genetic variation in Trithuria inconspicua and T. filamentosa (Hydatellaceae): a new subspecies and a hypothesis of apomixis arising within a predominantly selfing lineage RD Smissen, KA Ford, PD Champion, PB Heenan Australian Systematic Botany 32 (1), 1-11, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Checklist of the New Zealand Flora–Seed Plants 2019 I Schönberger, AD Wilton, KF Boardman, I Breitwieser, M Cochrane, ... Lincoln (New Zealand): Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Checklist of the New Zealand flora–seed plants AD Wilton, I Schönberger, KF Boardman, I Breitwieser, M Cochrane, ... Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research: Lincoln, New Zealand, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |