Adam Houston
Adam Houston
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Evolution of a long-track violent tornado within a simulated supercell
L Orf, R Wilhelmson, B Lee, C Finley, A Houston
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (1), 45-68, 2017
Intercomparison of small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) measurements for atmospheric science during the LAPSE-RATE campaign
L Barbieri, ST Kral, SCC Bailey, AE Frazier, JD Jacob, J Reuder, D Brus, ...
Sensors 19 (9), 2179, 2019
Considerations for atmospheric measurements with small unmanned aircraft systems
JD Jacob, PB Chilson, AL Houston, SW Smith
Atmosphere 9 (7), 252, 2018
The collaborative Colorado–Nebraska unmanned aircraft system experiment
AL Houston, B Argrow, J Elston, J Lahowetz, EW Frew, PC Kennedy
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (1), 39-54, 2012
The tempest unmanned aircraft system for in situ observations of tornadic supercells: Design and VORTEX2 flight results
JS Elston, J Roadman, M Stachura, B Argrow, A Houston, E Frew
Journal of Field Robotics 28 (4), 461-483, 2011
The sensitivity of convective initiation to the lapse rate of the active cloud-bearing layer
AL Houston, D Niyogi
Monthly Weather Review 135 (9), 3013-3032, 2007
Empirical examination of the factors regulating thunderstorm initiation
NA Lock, AL Houston
Monthly Weather Review 142 (1), 240-258, 2014
Development of community, capabilities, and understanding through unmanned aircraft-based atmospheric research: the LAPSE-RATE campaign
G De Boer, C Diehl, J Jacob, A Houston, SW Smith, P Chilson, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (5), E684-E699, 2020
Sampling severe local storms and related phenomena: Using unmanned aircraft systems
EW Frew, J Elston, B Argrow, A Houston, E Rasmussen
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 19 (1), 85-95, 2012
The status and future of small uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) in operational meteorology
JO Pinto, D O’Sullivan, S Taylor, J Elston, CB Baker, D Hotz, C Marshall, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (11), E2121-E2136, 2021
Design and evaluation of sensor housing for boundary layer profiling using multirotors
A Islam, AL Houston, A Shankar, C Detweiler
Sensors 19 (11), 2481, 2019
Thunderstorm Observation by Radar (ThOR): An algorithm to develop a climatology of thunderstorms
AL Houston, NA Lock, J Lahowetz, BL Barjenbruch, G Limpert, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32 (5), 961-981, 2015
Field observation of tornadic supercells by multiple autonomous fixed‐wing unmanned aircraft
EW Frew, B Argrow, S Borenstein, S Swenson, CA Hirst, H Havenga, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 37 (6), 1077-1093, 2020
Evaluating soil moisture–precipitation interactions using remote sensing: A sensitivity analysis
TW Ford, SM Quiring, B Thakur, R Jogineedi, A Houston, S Yuan, A Kalra, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (8), 1237-1253, 2018
The dependence of storm longevity on the pattern of deep convection initiation in a low-shear environment
AL Houston, RB Wilhelmson
Monthly weather review 139 (10), 3125-3138, 2011
The optimal bulk wind differential depth and the utility of the upper-tropospheric storm-relative flow for forecasting supercells
AL Houston, RL Thompson, R Edwards
Weather and forecasting 23 (5), 825-837, 2008
Ensemble sensitivity analysis for targeted observations of supercell thunderstorms
GL Limpert, AL Houston
Monthly Weather Review 146 (6), 1705-1721, 2018
Assimilation of a coordinated fleet of uncrewed aircraft system observations in complex terrain: EnKF system design and preliminary assessment
AA Jensen, JO Pinto, SCC Bailey, RA Sobash, G de Boer, AL Houston, ...
Monthly Weather Review 149 (5), 1459-1480, 2021
Data generated during the 2018 LAPSE-RATE campaign: an introduction and overview
G De Boer, A Houston, J Jacob, PB Chilson, SW Smith, B Argrow, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-15, 2020
An energy-aware airborne dynamic data-driven application system for persistent sampling and surveillance
EW Frew, B Argrow, A Houston, C Weiss, J Elston
Procedia Computer Science 18, 2008-2017, 2013
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