Kihan Kim
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Cited by
Assessing the effects of animation in online banner advertising: Hierarchy of effects model
CY Yoo, K Kim, PA Stout
Journal of interactive advertising 4 (2), 49-60, 2004
Processing of animation in online banner advertising: The roles of cognitive and emotional responses
CY Yoo, K Kim
Journal of Interactive marketing 19 (4), 18-34, 2005
News story descriptions and the public's opinions of political candidates
K Kim, M McCombs
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 84 (2), 299-314, 2007
Advertising appeals as a reflection of culture: a cross-cultural analysis of food advertising appeals in China and the US
Y Cheong, K Kim, L Zheng
Asian Journal of Communication 20 (1), 1-16, 2010
The current practices in food advertising: The usage and effectiveness of different advertising claims
K Kim, Y Cheong, L Zheng
International Journal of Advertising 28 (3), 527-553, 2009
Organizational virtual communities: Exploring motivations behind online panel participation
T Daugherty, WN Lee, H Gangadharbatla, K Kim, S Outhavong
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (4), JCMC10414, 2005
The power of reach and frequency in the age of digital advertising: offine and online media demand different metrics
Y Cheong, F GreGorio, K Kim
Journal of Advertising research 50 (4), 403-415, 2010
Choosing the right message for the right cause in social cause advertising: Type of social cause message, perceived company–cause fit and the persuasiveness of communication
K Kim, Y Cheong, JS Lim
International Journal of Advertising 34 (3), 473-494, 2015
User-generated product reviews on the internet: the drivers and outcomes of the perceived usefulness of product reviews
K Kim, Y Cheong, H Kim
International Journal of Advertising 36 (2), 227-245, 2017
The effects of athlete-endorsed advertising: The moderating role of the athlete-audience ethnicity match
K Kim, Y Cheong
Journal of Sport Management 25 (2), 143-155, 2011
Factors affecting sportswear buying behavior: A comparative analysis of luxury sportswear
CH Lim, K Kim, Y Cheong
Journal of Business Research 69 (12), 5793-5800, 2016
Advertising spending efficiency among top US advertisers from 1985 to 2012: Overspending or smart managing?
Y Cheong, F De Gregorio, K Kim
Journal of Advertising 43 (4), 344-358, 2014
The interplay between advertising claims and product categories in food advertising: A schema congruity perspective
Y Cheong, K Kim
Journal of Applied Communication Research 39 (1), 55-74, 2011
Intraorganizational conflict within advertising agencies
F de Gregorio, Y Cheong, K Kim
Journal of Advertising 41 (3), 19-34, 2012
Creative strategies of Super Bowl commercials 2001-2009: an analysis of message strategies
K Kim, Y Cheong
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 13 (1), 2-17, 2011
Flour Characteristics and End-Use Quality of Korean Wheat Cultivars II. End-use Properties.
CS Kang, CS Park, JC Park, HS Kim, YK Cheong, KH Kim, KJ Kim, ...
Korean Journal of Breeding Science 42 (1), 2010
The influences of sports viewing conditions on enjoyment from watching televised sports: An analysis of the FIFA World Cup audiences in theater vs. home
K Kim, Y Cheong, H Kim
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 60 (3), 389-409, 2016
Managing corporate brand image through sports sponsorship: impacts of sponsorship on building consumer perceptions of corporate ability and social responsibility
K Kim
The University of Texas at Austin, 2006
The image management function of sponsorship: A general theoretical framework
K Kim, PA Stout, Y Cheong
international Journal of Advertising 31 (1), 85-111, 2012
Preparation of low‐fat uptake doughnut by dry particle coating technique
JS Lee, BK Kim, KH Kim, DJ Park
Journal of food science 73 (3), E137-E142, 2008
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Articles 1–20