Remco Duits
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Zitiert von
Robust retinal vessel segmentation via locally adaptive derivative frames in orientation scores
J Zhang, B Dashtbozorg, E Bekkers, JPW Pluim, R Duits, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (12), 2631-2644, 2016
Roto-translation covariant convolutional networks for medical image analysis
E Bekkers, M Lafarge, M Veta, K Eppenhof, J Pluim, R Duits …, 2018
On the axioms of scale space theory
R Duits, L Florack, J De Graaf, B ter Haar Romeny
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 20, 267-298, 2004
A multi-orientation analysis approach to retinal vessel tracking
E Bekkers, R Duits, T Berendschot, B ter Haar Romeny
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 49, 583-610, 2014
Image analysis and reconstruction using a wavelet transform constructed from a reducible representation of the Euclidean motion group
R Duits, M Felsberg, G Granlund, BH Romeny
International Journal of Computer Vision 72 (1), 79-102, 2007
Left-invariant parabolic evolutions on 𝑆𝐸 (2) and contour enhancement via invertible orientation scores Part I: Linear left-invariant diffusion equations on 𝑆𝐸 (2)
R Duits, E Franken
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 68 (2), 255-292, 2010
Left-invariant diffusions on the space of positions and orientations and their application to crossing-preserving smoothing of HARDI images
R Duits, E Franken
International Journal of Computer Vision 92, 231-264, 2011
Crossing-preserving coherence-enhancing diffusion on invertible orientation scores
E Franken, R Duits
International Journal of Computer Vision 85, 253-278, 2009
Left-invariant parabolic evolutions on 𝑆𝐸 (2) and contour enhancement via invertible orientation scores Part II: Nonlinear left-invariant diffusions on invertible orientation …
R Duits, E Franken
Quarterly of applied mathematics 68 (2), 293-331, 2010
Roto-translation equivariant convolutional networks: Application to histopathology image analysis
MW Lafarge, EJ Bekkers, JPW Pluim, R Duits, M Veta
Medical Image Analysis 68, 2021
Optimal paths for variants of the 2D and 3D Reeds-Shepp car with applications in image analysis
R Duits, SPL Meesters, JM Mirebeau, JM Portegies
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Special issue Differential …, 2018
A PDE approach to data-driven sub-riemannian geodesics in SE (2)
EJ Bekkers, R Duits, A Mashtakov, GR Sanguinetti
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (4), 2740-2770, 2015
Association fields via cuspless sub-Riemannian geodesics in SE (2)
R Duits, U Boscain, F Rossi, Y Sachkov
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 49 (2), 384-417, 2014
Perceptual organization in image analysis. URL:
R Duits
PhD thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2005
The explicit solutions of linear left-invariant second order stochastic evolution equations on the 2D Euclidean motion group
R Duits, M Van Almsick
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 66 (1), 27-67, 2008
PDE-Based Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks
B Smets, J Portegies, E Bekkers, R Duits
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV): https://link.springer …, 2022
Crossing-preserving multi-scale vesselness
J Hannink, R Duits, E Bekkers
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: 17th …, 2014
Evolution equations on Gabor transforms and their applications
R Duits, H Führ, B Janssen, M Bruurmijn, L Florack, H van Assen
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 35 (3), 483-526, 2013
Scale spaces on Lie groups
R Duits, B Burgeth
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2007
Morphological and linear scale spaces for fiber enhancement in DW-MRI
R Duits, T Dela Haije, E Creusen, A Ghosh
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 46, 326-368, 2013
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