Henry Schäfer
Henry Schäfer
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Enhanced sphere tracing
B Keinert, H Schäfer, J Korndörfer, U Ganse, M Stamminger
The Eurographics Association, 2014
Real‐time rendering techniques with hardware tessellation
M Nießner, B Keinert, M Fisher, M Stamminger, C Loop, H Schäfer
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (1), 113-137, 2016
State of the Art Report on Real-time Rendering with Hardware Tessellation.
H Schäfer, M Niessner, B Keinert, M Stamminger, CT Loop
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports), 93-117, 2014
Fast indirect illumination using layered depth images
M Nießner, H Schäfer, M Stamminger
The Visual Computer 26, 679-686, 2010
Multiresolution Attributes for Hardware Tessellated Objects
H Schäfer, M Prus, Q Meyer, J Süßmuth, M Stamminger
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (9), 1488-1498, 2013
Dynamic Feature-Adaptive Subdivision
H Schäfer, J Raab, B Keinert, M Meyer, M Stamminger, M Nießner
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2015, 2015
Memory Efficient Light Baking
H Schäfer, J Süßmuth, C Denk, M Stamminger
Computers & Graphics 36 (3), 193-200, 2012
Local Painting and Deformation of Meshes on the GPU
H Schäfer, B Keinert, M Nießner, M Stamminger
Computer Graphics Forum, 2014
Real-time Local Displacement using Dynamic GPU Memory Management
H Schäfer, B Keinert, M Stamminger
HPG '13: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance …, 2013
Multiresolution attributes for tessellated meshes
H Schäfer, M Prus, Q Meyer, J Süßmuth, M Stamminger
I3D'12: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics …, 2012
Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces from Object Collisions.
H Schäfer, B Keinert, M Nießner, C Buchenau, M Guthe, M Stamminger
High Performance Graphics, 89-96, 2014
A compressed representation for ray tracing parametric surfaces
K Selgrad, A Lier, M Martinek, C Buchenau, M Guthe, F Kranz, H Schäfer, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (1), 1-13, 2016
Real-time Collision Detection for Dynamic Hardware Tessellated Objects.
M Nießner, C Siegl, H Schäfer, CT Loop
Eurographics (Short Papers), 33-36, 2013
Extending the Application of Electric Analogy in Oil-reservoir Studies
H Schaefer
Transactions of the AIME 170 (01), 62-68, 1947
Non-photorealistic rendering for minimally invasive procedures
J Raab, H Schäfer, A Brost, M Stamminger, M Pfister
Medical Imaging 2013: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and …, 2013
Improved Ray Casting of Procedural Distance Bounds
B Keinert, H Schäfer, J Korndörfer, U Ganse, M Stamminger
Journal of Graphics Tools 17 (4), 127-138, 2013
Internationale Kapitaliströme, Eurogeldmarkt und nationaler Geldmarkt: eine theoretische und empirische Analyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
H Schäfer, W Meissner
(No Title), 1983
Adaptive Texturierung und Geometrieverarbeitung für die Darstellung feiner Details in Echtzeit
H Schäfer
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2017
Adaptive Texturing and Geometry Processing for High-Detail Real-Time Rendering
H Schäfer
Dissertation, Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg …, 2017
``Stacked reservoirs``in the Zechstein 2 carbonate (Ca2): inversion tectonics in the pre-Zechstein subdivision-saline base of the Lower Saxony basin (Germany);``Stacked …
K Rockenbauch, F Brauckmann, HG Schaefer, S Utermoehlen
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