Maximiliano Bueno Lopez
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Zitiert von
Implementación de un sistema de medición de sitancia con sensores infrarrojos utilizando dispositivos de lógica programable.
LHR González, MB López, JA Valencia
Scientia et Technica 2 (39), 13-18, 2008
Análisis de costos de la generación de energía eléctrica mediante fuentes renovables en el sistema eléctrico colombiano
M Bueno López, LC Rodríguez Sarmiento, PJ Rodríguez Sánchez
Ingeniería y desarrollo 34 (2), 397-419, 2016
Distribution system state estimation to support coordinated voltage-control strategies by using smart meters
EB Alzate, M Bueno-López, J Xie, K Strunz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 5198-5207, 2019
Localization of active brain sources from EEG signals using empirical mode decomposition: a comparative study
PA Muñoz-Gutiérrez, E Giraldo, M Bueno-López, M Molinas
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 12, 55, 2018
Low-density EEG for neural activity reconstruction using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
A Soler, PA Muñoz-Gutiérrez, M Bueno-López, E Giraldo, M Molinas
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 175, 2020
A classification method for power-quality disturbances using Hilbert–Huang transform and LSTM recurrent neural networks
MA Rodriguez, JF Sotomonte, J Cifuentes, M Bueno-López
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 16, 249-266, 2021
Electrification in Non-Interconnected Areas: Towards a New Vision of Rurality in Colombia
M Bueno-López, S Garzón
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 36 (4), 73-79, 2017
Classification of power quality disturbances using hilbert huang transform and a multilayer perceptron neural network model
MA Rodriguez, JF Sotomonte, J Cifuentes, M Bueno-López
2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2019
Characterization of household-consumption load profiles in the time and frequency domain
M Sanabria-Villamizar, M Bueno-López, JC Hernández, D Vera
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 137, 107756, 2022
Elementos para la investigación (metodología y redacción)
M López Ruiz
UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, 1998
Power Quality Disturbance Classification via Deep Convolutional Autoencoders and Stacked LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
MA Rodriguez, JF Sotomonte, J Cifuentes, M Bueno-López
3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2020
Time-Frequency analysis for nonlinear and non-stationary signals using HHT: A mode mixing separation technique
MV Gasca, M Bueno-López, M Molinas, OB Fosso
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (4), 1091-1098, 2018
Optimal pi control of a wind energy conversion system using particles swarm
S Sánchez, M Bueno, E Delgado, E Giraldo
2009 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA), 332-337, 2009
Radon behavior in springs and wells around Cuitzeo lake, Lerma river basin, Mexico
R Alfaro, V Martínez, N Segovia, P Peña, MBE López, MA Armienta, ...
Geofísica Internacional 41 (4), 439-445, 2002
Analysis of Neural Activity from EEG Data based on EMD frequency bands
M Bueno-López, E Giraldo, M Molinas
24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2017
Understanding Instantaneous frequency detection: A discussion of Hilbert-Huang Transform versus Wavelet Transform
M Bueno-López, M Molinas, G Kulia
ITISE 2017 1 (1), 474-486, 2017
The Mode Mixing Problem and its Influence in the Neural Activity Reconstruction
M Bueno-López, E Giraldo, M Molinas, OB Fosso
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 46 (3), 384-394, 2019
Caracterización morfoagronómica in situ de cacao criollo (Theobroma cacao L.) en lugares de prevalencia natural y su incidencia en la selección de germoplasma promisorio en El …
M López, EC Deras, FA Parada-Berrios, F Lara-Ascencio
Revista Agrociencia 1 (04), 25-34, 2018
Adaptive Control Approach of Microgrids
J Velez-Ramirez, M Bueno Lopez, E Giraldo
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 50 (4), 802-810, 2020
Implementación de un controlador de posición y movimiento de un robot móvil diferencial
G Hernández Millán, LH Ríos Gonzales, M Bueno López
Tecnura 20 (48), 123-136, 2016
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