Bradley Carr
Bradley Carr
Sr. Research Scientist, University of Wyoming
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Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering
J St. Clair, S Moon, WS Holbrook, JT Perron, CS Riebe, SJ Martel, B Carr, ...
Science 350 (6260), 534-538, 2015
Links between physical and chemical weathering inferred from a 65-m-deep borehole through Earth’s critical zone
WS Holbrook, V Marcon, AR Bacon, SL Brantley, BJ Carr, BA Flinchum, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 4495, 2019
Critical zone structure under a granite ridge inferred from drilling and three-dimensional seismic refraction data
B Flinchum, WS Holbrook, D Rempe, S Moon, C Riebe, BJ Carr, J Hayes, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 2018
Estimating the water holding capacity of the critical zone using near-surface geophysics
B Flinchum, WS Holbrook, D Grana, A Parsekian, BJ Carr, J Hayes, J Jiao
Hydrological Processes - DOI 10.1002/hyp.13260, 2018
Forward modeling to investigate inversion artifacts resulting from time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography during rainfall simulations
AM Carey, GB Paige, BJ Carr, M Dogan
Journal of Applied Geophysics 145, 39-49, 2017
Geophysical imaging of shallow degassing in a Yellowstone hydrothermal system
S Pasquet, WS Holbrook, BJ Carr, KWW Sims
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (23), 12,027-12,035, 2016
Passive imaging of underground acoustic sources
SJ Norton, BJ Carr, AJ Witten
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119 (5), 2840-2847, 2006
Shear-wave studies in glacial till
BJ Carr, Z Hajnal, A Prugger
Geophysics 63 (4), 1273-1284, 1998
Borehole characterization of hydraulic properties and groundwater flow in a crystalline fractured aquifer of a headwater mountain watershed, Laramie Range, Wyoming
S Ren, S Gragg, Y Zhang, BJ Carr, G Yao
Journal of Hydrology 561, 780-795, 2018
Comparing Measurement Response and Inverted Results of Electrical Resistivity Tomography Instruments
A Parsekian, N Claes, K Singha, B Minsely, B Carr, ...
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 2017
Mapping Inherited Fractures in the Critical Zone using Seismic Anisotropy from Circular Surveys
C Novitsky, WS Holbrook, B Carr, S Pasquet, D Okaya, B Flinchum
Geophysical Research Letters 45, 2018
Hydraulic conductivity calibration of logging NMR in a granite aquifer, Laramie Range, Wyoming
S Ren, AD Parsekian, Y Zhang, BJ Carr
Groundwater 57 (2), 303-319, 2019
Strong slope‐aspect control of regolith thickness by bedrock foliation
JD Leone, WS Holbrook, CS Riebe, J Chorover, TPA Ferré, BJ Carr, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (12), 2998-3010, 2020
Seismic refraction tracks porosity generation and possible CO2 production at depth under a headwater catchment
X Gu, G Mavko, L Ma, D Oakley, N Accardo, BJ Carr, AA Nyblade, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 18991-18997, 2020
Subsurface weathering revealed in hillslope‐integrated porosity distributions
RP Callahan, CS Riebe, S Pasquet, KL Ferrier, D Grana, LS Sklar, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (15), e2020GL088322, 2020
Characterizing the critical zone using borehole and surface nuclear magnetic resonance
BA Flinchum, WS Holbrook, AD Parsekian, BJ Carr
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-18, 2019
Resolving deep critical zone architecture in complex volcanic terrain
BG Moravec, AM White, RA Root, A Sanchez, Y Olshansky, BK Paras, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (1), e2019JF005189, 2020
Surface parameters and bedrock properties covary across a mountainous watershed: Insights from machine learning and geophysics
S Uhlemann, B Dafflon, HM Wainwright, KH Williams, B Minsley, ...
Science advances 8 (12), eabj2479, 2022
Weathering front under a granite ridge revealed through full-3D seismic ambient-noise tomography
W Wang, P Chen, I Keifer, K Dueker, EJ Lee, D Mu, J Jiao, Y Zhang, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 509, 66-77, 2019
DC resistivity monitoring of potassium permanganate injected to oxidize TCE in situ
JE Nyquist, BJ Carr, RK Davis
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 4 (3), 135-147, 1999
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