Olivier Houix
Olivier Houix
STMS - Ircam - CNRS - SU
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Feature dependence in the automatic identification of musical woodwind instruments
JC Brown, O Houix, S McAdams
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (3), 1064-1072, 2001
A lexical analysis of environmental sound categories.
O Houix, G Lemaitre, N Misdariis, P Susini, I Urdapilleta
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18 (1), 52, 2012
Listener expertise and sound identification influence the categorization of environmental sounds.
G Lemaitre, O Houix, N Misdariis, P Susini
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 16 (1), 16, 2010
Sensori-motor learning with movement sonification: perspectives from recent interdisciplinary studies
F Bevilacqua, EO Boyer, J Françoise, O Houix, P Susini, A Roby-Brami, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 385, 2016
Sound design: an applied, experimental framework to study the perception of everyday sounds
P Susini, O Houix, N Misdariis
The New Soundtrack 4 (2), 103-121, 2014
The role of sound source perception in gestural sound description
B Caramiaux, F Bevilacqua, T Bianco, N Schnell, O Houix, P Susini
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 11 (1), 1-19, 2014
Toward the design and evaluation of continuous sound in tangible interfaces: The Spinotron
G Lemaitre, O Houix, Y Visell, K Franinović, N Misdariis, P Susini
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 67 (11), 976-993, 2009
Perception of musical similarity among contemporary thematic materials in two instrumentations
S McAdams, S Vieillard, O Houix, R Reynolds
Music Perception 22 (2), 207-237, 2004
Vocal imitations of non-vocal sounds
G Lemaitre, O Houix, F Voisin, N Misdariis, P Susini
PloS one 11 (12), e0168167, 2016
Naturalness influences the perceived usability and pleasantness of an interface’s sonic feedback
P Susini, N Misdariis, G Lemaitre, O Houix
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 5, 175-186, 2012
Gestural Embodiment of Environmental Sounds: an Experimental Study.
B Caramiaux, P Susini, T Bianco, F Bevilacqua, O Houix, N Schnell, ...
NIME 11, 2011
Instruction’s effect on semantic scale ratings of interior car sounds
P Susini, O Houix, N Misdariis, B Smith, S Langlois
Applied Acoustics 70 (3), 389-403, 2009
The use of semantic differential scales in listening tests: A comparison between context and laboratory test conditions for the rolling sounds of office chairs
D Dal Palù, E Buiatti, GE Puglisi, O Houix, P Susini, C De Giorgi, A Astolfi
Applied Acoustics 127, 270-283, 2017
The mental context for the description of odors: a semantic space
I Urdapilleta, A Giboreau, C Manetta, O Houix, JF Richard
European review of applied psychology 56 (4), 261-271, 2006
Auditory and visual short-term memory: Influence of material type, contour, and musical expertise
F Talamini, S Blain, J Ginzburg, O Houix, P Bouchet, M Grassi, B Tillmann, ...
Psychological Research, 1-22, 2022
Rising tones and rustling noises: Metaphors in gestural depictions of sounds
G Lemaitre, H Scurto, J Françoise, F Bevilacqua, O Houix, P Susini
PloS one 12 (7), e0181786, 2017
Feelings elicited by auditory feedback from a computationally augmented artifact: The flops
G Lemaitre, O Houix, P Susini, Y Visell, K Franinović
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 3 (3), 335-348, 2012
Catégorisation auditive des sources sonores
O Houix
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Université du Maine, France, 2003
Vocal imitations of basic auditory features
G Lemaitre, A Jabbari, N Misdariis, O Houix, P Susini
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (1), 290-300, 2016
Closing the loop of sound evaluation and design
P Susini, N Misdariis, G Lemaitre, O Houix, D Rocchesso, P Polotti, ...
Perceptual Quality of Systems 2 (4), 2006
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