Hong Joo Lee
Hong Joo Lee
Professor of Business Administration, The Catholic University of Korea
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Use of social network information to enhance collaborative filtering performance
F Liu, HJ Lee
Expert systems with applications 37 (7), 4772-4778, 2010
The influence of social presence on customer intention to reuse online recommender systems: The roles of personalization and product type
J Choi, HJ Lee, YC Kim
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16 (1), 129-154, 2011
Utilizing knowledge context in virtual collaborative work
HJ Ahn, HJ Lee, K Cho, SJ Park
Decision support systems 39 (4), 563-582, 2005
MONERS: A news recommender for the mobile web
HJ Lee, SJ Park
Expert Systems with Applications 32 (1), 143-150, 2007
Capturing and reusing knowledge in engineering change management: A case of automobile development
HJ Lee, HJ Ahn, JW Kim, SJ Park
Information systems frontiers 8, 375-394, 2006
The influence of national culture on the attitude towards mobile recommender systems
J Choi, HJ Lee, F Sajjad, H Lee
Technological forecasting and social change 86, 65-79, 2014
Semantic process retrieval with iSPARQL
C Kiefer, A Bernstein, HJ Lee, M Klein, M Stocker
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 4th European Semantic Web …, 2007
A contingent approach on knowledge portal design for R&D teams: Relative importance of knowledge portal functionalities
HJ Lee, JW Kim, J Koh
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2), 3662-3670, 2009
AI in Medical Education: Global situation, effects and challenges
W Zhang, M Cai, HJ Lee, R Evans, C Zhu, C Ming
Education and Information Technologies 29 (4), 4611-4633, 2024
Examining the effects of personalized app recommender systems on purchase intention: a self and social-interaction perspective.
J Choi, HJ Lee, HW Kim
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 18 (1), 2017
Mining service quality feedback from social media: A computational analytics method
HJ Lee, M Lee, H Lee, RA Cruz
Government Information Quarterly 38 (2), 101571, 2021
The brand personality effect: communicating brand personality on twitter and its influence on online community engagement
RAB Cruz, HJ Lee
Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems 20 (1), 67-101, 2014
An integrated perspective of user evaluating personalized recommender systems: Performance-driven or user-centric
J Choi, HJ Lee
Journal of Society for e-Business Studies 17 (3), 2014
Context-aware recommendations on the mobile web
HJ Lee, JY Choi, SJ Park
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2005
Understanding collaborative filtering parameters for personalized recommendations in e-commerce
HJ Lee, JW Kim, SJ Park
Electronic Commerce Research 7, 293-314, 2007
Mobile push personalization and user experience
JY Choeh, HJ Lee
AI Communications 21 (2-3), 185-193, 2008
The influence of social presence on evaluating personalized recommender systems
J Choi, HJ Lee, YC Kim
Motivations for obtaining and redeeming coupons from a coupon app: Customer value perspective
HJ Lee, JY Choeh
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 16 (2), 22-33, 2021
A study on the development trend of artificial intelligence using text mining technique: Focused on open source software projects on Github
JS Chong, D Kim, HJ Lee, JW Kim
Journal of intelligence and information systems 25 (1), 1-19, 2019
The impact of multi-dimensional trust for customer satisfaction
JW Choi, CS Sohn, HJ Lee
Management Science and Financial Engineering 16 (2), 81-97, 2010
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Artículos 1–20