Dirk Eilander
Dirk Eilander
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Deltares
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Cited by
Dependence between high sea-level and high river discharge increases flood hazard in global deltas and estuaries
PJ Ward, A Couasnon, D Eilander, ID Haigh, A Hendry, S Muis, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (8), 084012, 2018
Measuring compound flood potential from river discharge and storm surge extremes at the global scale
A Couasnon, D Eilander, S Muis, TIE Veldkamp, ID Haigh, T Wahl, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (2), 489-504, 2020
Plastic in global rivers: are floods making it worse?
CTJ Roebroek, S Harrigan, THM Van Emmerik, C Baugh, D Eilander, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (2), 025003, 2021
Global-scale benefit–cost analysis of coastal flood adaptation to different flood risk drivers using structural measures
T Tiggeloven, H De Moel, HC Winsemius, D Eilander, G Erkens, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (4), 1025-1044, 2020
Harvesting social media for generation of near real-time flood maps
D Eilander, P Trambauer, J Wagemaker, A Van Loenen
Procedia Engineering 154, 176-183, 2016
The effect of surge on riverine flood hazard and impact in deltas globally
D Eilander, A Couasnon, H Ikeuchi, S Muis, D Yamazaki, HC Winsemius, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104007, 2020
Cutting the costs of coastal protection by integrating vegetation in flood defences
VTM van Zelst, JT Dijkstra, BK van Wesenbeeck, D Eilander, EP Morris, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6533, 2021
Probabilistic flood extent estimates from social media flood observations
T Brouwer, D Eilander, A Van Loenen, MJ Booij, KM Wijnberg, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (5), 735-747, 2017
Aqueduct floods methodology
PJ Ward, HC Winsemius, S Kuzma, MFP Bierkens, A Bouwman, ...
World Resources Institute, 1-28, 2020
Remotely sensed monitoring of small reservoir dynamics: A Bayesian approach
D Eilander, FO Annor, L Iannini, N Van de Giesen
Remote Sensing 6 (2), 1191-1210, 2014
Evaluating the impact of model complexity on flood wave propagation and inundation extent with a hydrologic–hydrodynamic model coupling framework
JM Hoch, D Eilander, H Ikeuchi, F Baart, HC Winsemius
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 1723-1735, 2019
Impacts of metal mining on river systems: a global assessment
MG Macklin, CJ Thomas, A Mudbhatkal, PA Brewer, KA Hudson-Edwards, ...
Science 381 (6664), 1345-1350, 2023
Improving the classification of flood tweets with contextual hydrological information in a multimodal neural network
JA de Bruijn, H de Moel, AH Weerts, MC de Ruiter, E Basar, D Eilander, ...
Computers & Geosciences 140, 104485, 2020
Predicting the ungauged basin: model validation and realism assessment
T Van Emmerik, G Mulder, D Eilander, M Piet, H Savenije
Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 62, 2015
A globally applicable framework for compound flood hazard modeling
D Eilander, A Couasnon, T Leijnse, H Ikeuchi, D Yamazaki, S Muis, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (2), 823-846, 2023
Long-term sea-level rise necessitates a commitment to adaptation: A first order assessment
M Haasnoot, G Winter, S Brown, RJ Dawson, PJ Ward, D Eilander
Climate Risk Management 34, 100355, 2021
Comparison of estimates of global flood models for flood hazard and exposed gross domestic product: a China case study
JPM Aerts, S Uhlemann-Elmer, D Eilander, PJ Ward
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (12), 3245-3260, 2020
A hydrography upscaling method for scale-invariant parametrization of distributed hydrological models
D Eilander, W Van Verseveld, D Yamazaki, A Weerts, HC Winsemius, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (9), 5287-5313, 2021
Coastal and river flood risk analyses for guiding economically optimal flood adaptation policies: a country-scale study for Mexico
T Haer, WJW Botzen, V Van Roomen, H Connor, J Zavala-Hidalgo, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2018
Creating a lowland and peatland landscape digital terrain model (DTM) from interpolated partial coverage LiDAR data for Central Kalimantan and East Sumatra, Indonesia
R Vernimmen, A Hooijer, AT Yuherdha, M Visser, M Pronk, D Eilander, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (10), 1152, 2019
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Articles 1–20