John L Davis
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Combining Nonoverlap and Trend for Single-Case Research: Tau-U
RI Parker, KJ Vannest, JL Davis, SB Sauber
Behavior therapy, 2011
Effect Size in Single-Case Research: A Review of Nine Nonoverlap Techniques
RI Parker, KJ Vannest, JL Davis
Behavior Modification 35 (4), 303-322, 2011
Meta-analysis of PECS with individuals with ASD: Investigation of targeted versus non-targeted outcomes, participant characteristics, and implementation phase
JB Ganz, JL Davis, EM Lund, FD Goodwyn, RL Simpson
Research in Developmental Disabilities 33 (2), 406-418, 2012
Effective Intervention for Behavior With a Daily Behavior Report Card: A Meta-Analysis
KJ Vannest, JL Davis, CR Davis, BA Mason, MD Burke
School Psychology Review 39 (4), 654-672, 2010
Common Problem Behaviors of Children and Adolescents in General Education Classrooms in the United States
JR Harrison, K Vannest, J Davis, C Reynolds
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 20 (1), 55-64, 2012
Incorporating nonoverlap indices with visual analysis for quantifying intervention effectiveness in single-case experimental designs
DF Brossart, KJ Vannest, JL Davis, MA Patience
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 24 (3-4), 464-491, 2014
The effects of video modeling in teaching functional living skills to persons with ASD: A meta-analysis of single-case studies
ER Hong, JB Ganz, R Mason, K Morin, JL Davis, J Ninci, LC Neely, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 57, 158-169, 2016
Non-overlap analysis for single-case research.
RI Parker, KJ Vannest, JL Davis
American Psychological Association, 2014
JL Davis, RN Matthews
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 28 (2), 175-182, 2010
Examining the effectiveness of a multicomponent reading comprehension intervention in middle schools: a focus on treatment fidelity
M Fogarty, E Oslund, D Simmons, J Davis, L Simmons, L Anderson, ...
Educational Psychology Review 26 (3), 425-449, 2014
Generalization and Maintenance of Functional Living Skills for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Review and Meta-Analysis
LC Neely, JB Ganz, JL Davis, MB Boles, ER Hong, J Ninci, WD Gilliland
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 3 (1), 37-47, 2016
Video self-modeling for individuals with disabilities: A best-evidence, single case meta-analysis
RA Mason, HS Davis, KM Ayres, JL Davis, BA Mason
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 28, 623-642, 2016
Increasing Social Interaction Using Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching With Nonverbal School-Age Children With Autism
JH Franco, BL Davis, JL Davis
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 22 (3), 489-502, 2013
Interaction of Participant Characteristics and Type of AAC With Individuals With ASD: A Meta-Analysis
JB Ganz, RA Mason, FD Goodwyn, MB Boles, AK Heath, JL Davis
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 119 (6), 516-535, 2014
Universal screening for behavioral risk in elementary schools using SWPBS expectations
MD Burke, JL Davis, YH Lee, S Hagan-Burke, O Kwok, G Sugai
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 20 (1), 38-54, 2012
A meta-analysis of single-case research on the use of tablet-mediated interventions for persons with ASD
ER Hong, L Gong, J Ninci, K Morin, JL Davis, S Kawaminami, Y Shi, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 70, 198-214, 2017
Impact of a Technology-Mediated Reading Intervention on Adolescents' Reading Comprehension
M Fogarty, N Clemens, D Simmons, L Anderson, J Davis, A Smith, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10 (2), 326-353, 2017
Investigating the impact of flexible furniture in the elementary classroom
SL Attai, JC Reyes, JL Davis, J York, K Ranney, TW Hyde
Learning Environments Research 24 (2), 153-167, 2021
Meta-analysis of single-case research on teaching functional living skills to individuals with ASD
J Ninci, LC Neely, ER Hong, MB Boles, WD Gilliland, JB Ganz, JL Davis, ...
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2 (2), 184-198, 2015
Sensory features in autism: Findings from a large population‐based surveillance system
AV Kirby, DA Bilder, LD Wiggins, MM Hughes, J Davis, JA Hall‐Lande, ...
Autism Research 15 (4), 751-760, 2022
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