William M. Hartmann
William M. Hartmann
Professor of Physics, Michigan State University
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Signals, sound, and sensation
William M. Hartmann
Amer Inst of Physics, 1997
Localization of sound in rooms
WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 74 (5), 1380-1391, 1983
On the externalization of sound images
WM Hartmann, A Wittenberg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 99 (6), 3678-3688, 1996
Stream segregation and peripheral channeling
WM Hartmann, D Johnson
Music perception 9 (2), 155-183, 1991
How we localize sound.
WM Hartmann
Physics today 52 (11), 24-29, 1999
Localization of sound in rooms, II: The effects of a single reflecting surface
B Rakerd, WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78 (2), 524-533, 1985
Human interaural time difference thresholds for sine tones: The high-frequency limit
A Brughera, L Dunai, WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (5), 2839-2855, 2013
Localization of sound in rooms, III: Onset and duration effects
B Rakerd, WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 80 (6), 1695-1706, 1986
Pitch, periodicity, and auditory organization
WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100 (6), 3491-3502, 1996
Hearing a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone
WM Hartmann, S McAdams, BK Smith
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88 (4), 1712-1724, 1990
The role of reverberation in release from masking due to spatial separation of sources for speech identification
G Kidd, CR Mason, A Brughera, WM Hartmann
Acta acustica united with acustica 91 (3), 526-536, 2005
Pitch perception and the segregation and integration of auditory entities
WM Hartmann
Auditory Function, Neurobiological Bases of Hearing, 623-645, 1988
Localization of sound in rooms IV: The Franssen effect
WM Hartmann, B Rakerd
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86 (4), 1366-1373, 1989
Noise power fluctuations and the masking of sine signals
WM Hartmann, J Pumplin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 83 (6), 2277-2289, 1988
Springer handbook of acoustics
F Dunn, WM Hartmann, DM Campbell, NH Fletcher
Springer, 2015
On the minimum audible angle—A decision theory approach
WM Hartmann, B Rakerd
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 85 (5), 2031-2041, 1989
Localization of sound in rooms. V. Binaural coherence and human sensitivity to interaural time differences in noise
B Rakerd, WM Hartmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128 (5), 3052-3063, 2010
Psychophysical and physiological evidence for a precedence effect in the median sagittal plane
RY Litovsky, B Rakerd, TCT Yin, WM Hartmann
Journal of neurophysiology 77 (4), 2223-2226, 1997
Interaural level differences and the level-meter model
WM Hartmann, ZA Constan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (3), 1037-1045, 2002
Listening in a room and the precedence effect
WM Hartmann
Binaural and spatial hearing in real and virtual environments, 191-210, 1997
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