Philippe Martin
Philippe Martin
Centre Automatique et Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University
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Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: introductory theory and examples
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
International Journal of Control 61 (6), 1327-1361, 1995
A Lie-Bäcklund approach to equivalence and flatness of nonlinear systems
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44 (5), 922-937, 1999
A different look at output tracking: control of a VTOL aircraft
P Martin, S Devasia, B Paden
Automatica 32 (1), 101 - 107, 1996
Sur les systemes non linéaires différentiellement plats
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 315 (5 …, 1992
On differentially flat nonlinear systems
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
Nonlinear control systems design 1992, 159-163, 1993
Flatness, motion planning and trailer systems
P Rouchon, M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin
Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2700-2705, 1993
Symmetry-Preserving Observers
S Bonnabel, P Martin, P Rouchon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (11), 2514-2526, 2008
Flat systems
P Martin, RM Murray, P Rouchon
Proceedings of the 4th European Control Conference, Plenary Lectures and …, 1997
The true role of accelerometer feedback in quadrotor control
P Martin, E Salaun
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 1623 …, 2010
Methods and systems for object tracking
F Picard, GC Claasen, PP Martin
US Patent 9,341,704, 2016
Motion planning for the heat equation
B Laroche, P Martin, P Rouchon
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2000
Invariant Extended Kalman Filter: theory and application to a velocity-aided attitude estimation problem
S Bonnabel, P Martin, E Salaün
Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control …, 2009
Contribution à l'étude des systèmes différentiellement plats
P Martin
PhD thesis, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1992
The role of propeller aerodynamics in the model of a quadrotor UAV
PJ Bristeau, P Martin, E Salaün, N Petit
2009 European control conference (ECC), 683-688, 2009
Flatness and motion planning: the car with n trailers
P Rouchon, M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin
Proc. ECC 93, 1518-1522, 1993
Non-linear symmetry-preserving observers on Lie groups
S Bonnabel, P Martin, P Rouchon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (7), 1709-1713, 2009
Design and implementation of a low-cost observer-based attitude and heading reference system
P Martin, E Salaün
Control engineering practice 18 (7), 712-722, 2010
Design of trajectory stabilizing feedback for driftless flat systems
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
Proceedings of the Third ECC, Rome, 1882-1887, 1995
Feedback linearization and driftless systems
P Martin, P Rouchon
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 7, 235-254, 1994
Linéarisation par bouclage dynamique et transformations de Lie-Bäcklund
M Fliess, J Lévine, P Martin, P Rouchon
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 317 (10 …, 1993
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