Prabal Talukdar
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An experimental data set for benchmarking 1-D, transient heat and moisture transfer models of hygroscopic building materials. Part I: Experimental facility and material …
P Talukdar, SO Olutmayin, OF Osanyintola, CJ Simonson
International journal of heat and mass transfer 50 (23-24), 4527-4539, 2007
Three dimensional numerical modeling of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in a moist object subjected to convective drying
VPC Mohan, P Talukdar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (21-22), 4638-4650, 2010
Heat and mass transfer through thermal protective clothing–A review
P Talukdar, A Das, R Alagirusamy
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 106, 32-56, 2016
Computational efficiency improvements of the radiative transfer problems with or without conduction––a comparison of the collapsed dimension method and the discrete transfer method
SC Mishra, P Talukdar, D Trimis, F Durst
International journal of heat and mass transfer 46 (16), 3083-3095, 2003
Combustion of low calorific gases from landfills and waste pyrolysis using porous medium burner technology
Z Al-Hamamre, S Diezinger, P Talukdar, F Von Issendorff, D Trimis
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 84 (4), 297-308, 2006
Combined heat and mass transfer for laminar flow of moist air in a 3D rectangular duct: CFD simulation and validation with experimental data
P Talukdar, CR Iskra, CJ Simonson
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (11-12), 3091-3102, 2008
Performance analysis and feasibility study of ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization and cuckoo search algorithms for inverse heat transfer problems
K Mulani, P Talukdar, A Das, R Alagirusamy
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 359-378, 2015
Numerical modeling of convective drying of food with spatially dependent transfer coefficient in a turbulent flow field
M Ateeque, RK Mishra, VP Chandramohan, P Talukdar
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 78, 145-157, 2014
Reliability of material data measurements for hygroscopic buffering
S Roels, P Talukdar, C James, CJ Simonson
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (23-24), 5355-5363, 2010
Numerical and experimental data set for benchmarking hygroscopic buffering models
C James, CJ Simonson, P Talukdar, S Roels
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (19-20), 3638-3654, 2010
Heat transfer characteristics of a porous radiant burner under the influence of a 2-D radiation field
P Talukdar, SC Mishra, D Trimis, F Durst
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 84 (4), 527-537, 2004
Effect of initial conditions, boundary conditions and thickness on the moisture buffering capacity of spruce plywood
OF Osanyintola, P Talukdar, CJ Simonson
Energy and Buildings 38 (10), 1283-1292, 2006
Numerical modeling of heat transfer and fluid motion in air gap between clothing and human body: Effect of air gap orientation and body movement
P Talukdar, A Das, R Alagirusamy
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 271-291, 2017
Assessment of uniform temperature assumption in zoning on the numerical simulation of a walking beam reheating furnace
T Morgado, PJ Coelho, P Talukdar
Applied Thermal Engineering 76, 496-508, 2015
Heat transfer analysis of a two-dimensional rectangular porous radiant burner
SC Mishra, M Steven, S Nemoda, P Talukdar, D Trimis, F Durst
International communications in heat and mass transfer 33 (4), 467-474, 2006
Comparisons of different heat transfer models of a walking beam type reheat furnace
VK Singh, P Talukdar
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 47, 20-26, 2013
Energy savings in a building using regenerative evaporative cooling
A Khandelwal, P Talukdar, S Jain
Energy and Buildings 43 (2-3), 581-591, 2011
Detailed and simplified models for evaluation of effective thermal conductivity of open-cell porous foams at high temperatures in presence of thermal radiation
MAA Mendes, P Talukdar, S Ray, D Trimis
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 68, 612-624, 2014
Coupled CFD and radiation simulation of air gaps in bench top protective fabric tests
P Talukdar, DA Torvi, CJ Simonson, CMJ Sawcyn
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (1-3), 526-539, 2010
Finite volume method in 3-D curvilinear coordinates with multiblocking procedure for radiative transport problems
P Talukdar, M Steven, FV Issendorff, D Trimis
International journal of heat and mass transfer 48 (21-22), 4657-4666, 2005
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Articles 1–20