A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review R Garcia, R Calantone Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of …, 2002 | 5940 | 2002 |
Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance RJ Calantone, ST Cavusgil, Y Zhao Industrial marketing management 31 (6), 515-524, 2002 | 5619 | 2002 |
Common beliefs and reality about PLS: Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann (2013) J Henseler, TK Dijkstra, M Sarstedt, CM Ringle, A Diamantopoulos, ... Organizational research methods 17 (2), 182-209, 2014 | 4183 | 2014 |
The impact of market knowledge competence on new product advantage: conceptualization and empirical examination T Li, RJ Calantone Journal of marketing 62 (4), 13-29, 1998 | 2297 | 1998 |
Determinants of new product performance: A review and meta-analysis MM Montoya-Weiss, R Calantone Journal of product innovation management 11 (5), 397-417, 1994 | 2188 | 1994 |
Discriminant validity testing in marketing: an analysis, causes for concern, and proposed remedies CM Voorhees, MK Brady, R Calantone, E Ramirez Journal of the academy of marketing science 44, 119-134, 2016 | 2162 | 2016 |
Assessing the impact of environmental management systems on corporate and environmental performance SA Melnyk, RP Sroufe, R Calantone Journal of operations management 21 (3), 329-351, 2003 | 1987 | 2003 |
The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships SK Vickery, J Jayaram, C Droge, R Calantone Journal of operations management 21 (5), 523-539, 2003 | 1965 | 2003 |
Tacit knowledge transfer and firm innovation capability S Tamer Cavusgil, RJ Calantone, Y Zhao Journal of business & industrial marketing 18 (1), 6-21, 2003 | 1534 | 2003 |
Marketing and technology resource complementarity: An analysis of their interaction effect in two environmental contexts M Song, C Droge, S Hanvanich, R Calantone Strategic management journal 26 (3), 259-276, 2005 | 1314 | 2005 |
Supply chain flexibility: an empirical study S Vickery, R Calantone, C Dröge Journal of supply chain management 35 (2), 16-24, 1999 | 1143 | 1999 |
The effects of environmental turbulence on new product development strategy planning R Calantone, R Garcia, C Dröge Journal of product innovation management 20 (2), 90-103, 2003 | 1068 | 2003 |
A structural analysis of the effectiveness of buying firms' strategies to improve supplier performance DR Krause, TV Scannell, RJ Calantone Decision sciences 31 (1), 33-55, 2000 | 974 | 2000 |
Online brand community engagement: Scale development and validation BJ Baldus, C Voorhees, R Calantone Journal of business research 68 (5), 978-985, 2015 | 938 | 2015 |
Success factors of product innovation: An updated meta‐analysis H Evanschitzky, M Eisend, RJ Calantone, Y Jiang Journal of product innovation management 29, 21-37, 2012 | 764 | 2012 |
An examination of exploration and exploitation capabilities: Implications for product innovation and market performance G Yalcinkaya, RJ Calantone, DA Griffith Journal of International Marketing 15 (4), 63-93, 2007 | 760 | 2007 |
Collaborating for new product development: selecting the partner with maximum potential to create value Z Emden, RJ Calantone, C Droge Journal of product innovation management 23 (4), 330-341, 2006 | 707 | 2006 |
Decomposing product innovativeness and its effects on new product success RJ Calantone, K Chan, AS Cui Journal of Product Innovation Management 23 (5), 408-421, 2006 | 692 | 2006 |
Knowledge as a strategic resource in supply chains GTM Hult, DJ Ketchen Jr, ST Cavusgil, RJ Calantone Journal of operations management 24 (5), 458-475, 2006 | 592 | 2006 |
Multiple multinational tourism positioning using correspondence analysis RJ Calantone, CA Di Benedetto, A Hakam, DC Bojanic Journal of travel research 28 (2), 25-32, 1989 | 573 | 1989 |