Sumudu Samarakoon
Sumudu Samarakoon
Assistant Professor, University of Oulu, Finland
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Wireless network intelligence at the edge
J Park, S Samarakoon, M Bennis, M Debbah
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (11), 2204-2239, 2019
Distributed federated learning for ultra-reliable low-latency vehicular communications
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (2), 1146-1159, 2019
Federated learning for ultra-reliable low-latency V2V communications
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Debbah
2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2018
Communication-efficient and distributed learning over wireless networks: Principles and applications
J Park, S Samarakoon, A Elgabli, J Kim, M Bennis, SL Kim, M Debbah
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (5), 796-819, 2021
Extreme ultra-reliable and low-latency communication
J Park, S Samarakoon, H Shiri, MK Abdel-Aziz, T Nishio, A Elgabli, ...
Nature Electronics 5 (3), 133-141, 2022
6G white paper on edge intelligence
E Peltonen, M Bennis, M Capobianco, M Debbah, A Ding, F Gil-Castiñeira, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14850, 2020
Ultra dense small cell networks: Turning density into energy efficiency
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Debbah, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (5), 1267-1280, 2016
Wireless edge computing with latency and reliability guarantees
MS Elbamby, C Perfecto, CF Liu, J Park, S Samarakoon, X Chen, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (8), 1717-1737, 2019
Optimized age of information tail for ultra-reliable low-latency communications in vehicular networks
MK Abdel-Aziz, S Samarakoon, CF Liu, M Bennis, W Saad
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (3), 1911-1924, 2019
Joint load balancing and interference mitigation in 5G heterogeneous networks
TK Vu, M Bennis, S Samarakoon, M Debbah, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (9), 6032-6046, 2017
Opportunistic sleep mode strategies in wireless small cell networks
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Latva-Aho
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2707-2712, 2014
Federated learning under channel uncertainty: Joint client scheduling and resource allocation
MM Wadu, S Samarakoon, M Bennis
2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2020
Dynamic Clustering and on/off Strategies for Wireless Small Cell Networks
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (3), 2164-2178, 2015
Backhaul-aware interference management in the uplink of wireless small cell networks
S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad, M Latva-aho
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12 (11), 5813-5825, 2013
Ultra-reliable low-latency vehicular networks: Taming the age of information tail
MK Abdel-Aziz, CF Liu, S Samarakoon, M Bennis, W Saad
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2018
Vehicle clustering for improving enhanced LTE-V2X network performance
P Luoto, M Bennis, P Pirinen, S Samarakoon, K Horneman, M Latva-Aho
2017 European conference on networks and communications (EuCNC), 1-5, 2017
Enhancing video streaming in vehicular networks via resource slicing
H Khan, S Samarakoon, M Bennis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (4), 3513-3522, 2020
Joint client scheduling and resource allocation under channel uncertainty in federated learning
MM Wadu, S Samarakoon, M Bennis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (9), 5962-5974, 2021
Network slicing for vehicular communication
H Khan, P Luoto, S Samarakoon, M Bennis, M Latva‐Aho
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (1), e3652, 2021
Phase configuration learning in wireless networks with multiple reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
GC Alexandropoulos, S Samarakoon, M Bennis, M Debbah
2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps, 1-6, 2020
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