Scott Socolofsky
Scott Socolofsky
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University
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Formation dynamics of subsurface hydrocarbon intrusions following the Deepwater Horizon blowout
SA Socolofsky, EE Adams, CR Sherwood
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (9), 2011
Multi-phase plumes in uniform and stratified crossflow
SA Socolofsky, EE Adams
Journal of hydraulic research 40 (6), 661-672, 2002
A depth-integrated model for weakly dispersive, turbulent, and rotational fluid flows
DH Kim, PJ Lynett, SA Socolofsky
Ocean Modelling 27 (3-4), 198-214, 2009
Simulating Oil Droplet Dispersal From the Deepwater Horizon Spill With a Lagrangian Approach
EWEW North, EEEE Adams, ZZ Schlag, CRCR Sherwood, RR He, ...
Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record‐Breaking …, 2011
Experiments on mass exchange between groin fields and main stream in rivers
V Weitbrecht, SA Socolofsky, GH Jirka
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134 (2), 173-183, 2008
Evolution of droplets in subsea oil and gas blowouts: Development and validation of the numerical model VDROP-J
L Zhao, MC Boufadel, SA Socolofsky, E Adams, T King, K Lee
Marine Pollution Bulletin 83 (1), 58-69, 2014
CVEN 489-501: Special topics in mixing and transport processes in the environment
SA Socolofsky, GH Jirka
Engineering—Lectures. 5th Edition, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division …, 2005
Role of slip velocity in the behavior of stratified multiphase plumes
SA Socolofsky, EE Adams
Journal of hydraulic engineering 131 (4), 273-282, 2005
Petroleum dynamics in the sea and influence of subsea dispersant injection during Deepwater Horizon
J Gros, SA Socolofsky, AL Dissanayake, I Jun, L Zhao, MC Boufadel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (38), 10065-10070, 2017
Intercomparison of oil spill prediction models for accidental blowout scenarios with and without subsea chemical dispersant injection
SA Socolofsky, EE Adams, MC Boufadel, ZM Aman, Ř Johansen, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 96 (1-2), 110-126, 2015
A LES-based Eulerian–Lagrangian approach to predict the dynamics of bubble plumes
B Fraga, T Stoesser, CCK Lai, SA Socolofsky
Ocean modelling 97, 27-36, 2016
Double-plume integral models for near-field mixing in multiphase plumes
SA Socolofsky, T Bhaumik, DG Seol
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134 (6), 772-783, 2008
Observations of bubbles in natural seep flares at MC 118 and GC 600 using in situ quantitative imaging
B Wang, SA Socolofsky, JA Breier, JS Seewald
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (4), 2203-2230, 2016
Simulation of scenarios of oil droplet formation from the Deepwater Horizon blowout
L Zhao, MC Boufadel, E Adams, SA Socolofsky, T King, K Lee, T Nedwed
Marine pollution bulletin 101 (1), 304-319, 2015
Large-scale flow structures and stability in shallow flows
SA Socolofsky, GH Jirka
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 3 (5), 451-462, 2004
Integral models for bubble, droplet, and multiphase plume dynamics in stratification and crossflow
AL Dissanayake, J Gros, SA Socolofsky
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 18, 1167-1202, 2018
The influence of droplet size and biodegradation on the transport of subsurface oil droplets during the Deepwater Horizon spill: a model sensitivity study
EW North, EE Adams, AE Thessen, Z Schlag, R He, SA Socolofsky, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (2), 024016, 2015
Disaggregation of daily rainfall for continuous watershed modeling
S Socolofsky, EE Adams, D Entekhabi
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 6 (4), 300-309, 2001
Large-eddy simulation and parameterization of buoyant plume dynamics in stratified flow
D Yang, B Chen, SA Socolofsky, M Chamecki, C Meneveau
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794, 798-833, 2016
Particle image velocimetry measurements of the mean flow characteristics in a bubble plume
DG Seol, T Bhaumik, C Bergmann, SA Socolofsky
Journal of engineering mechanics 133 (6), 665-676, 2007
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Articles 1–20