Nancy Adler
Nancy Adler
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Relationship of subjective and objective social status with psychological and physiological functioning: Preliminary data in healthy, White women.
NE Adler, ES Epel, G Castellazzo, JR Ickovics
Health psychology 19 (6), 586, 2000
Socioeconomic status and health: the challenge of the gradient.
NE Adler, T Boyce, MA Chesney, S Cohen, S Folkman, RL Kahn, ...
American psychologist 49 (1), 15, 1994
Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress
ES Epel, EH Blackburn, J Lin, FS Dhabhar, NE Adler, JD Morrow, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (49), 17312-17315, 2004
Socioeconomic disparities in health: pathways and policies
NE Adler, K Newman
Health affairs 21 (2), 60-76, 2002
Socioeconomic status and health: what we know and what we don't
NE Adler, JM Ostrove
Annals of the New York academy of Sciences 896 (1), 3-15, 1999
Socioeconomic inequalities in health: no easy solution
NE Adler, WT Boyce, MA Chesney, S Folkman, SL Syme
Jama 269 (24), 3140-3145, 1993
US disparities in health: descriptions, causes, and mechanisms
NE Adler, DH Rehkopf
Annu. Rev. Public Health 29 (1), 235-252, 2008
Cancer care for the whole patient: Meeting psychosocial health needs
AEK Page, NE Adler
National Academies Press, 2008
Social determinants of health and diabetes: a scientific review
F Hill-Briggs, NE Adler, SA Berkowitz, MH Chin, TL Gary-Webb, ...
Diabetes care 44 (1), 258, 2020
Subjective social status: its determinants and its association with measures of ill-health in the Whitehall II study
A Singh-Manoux, NE Adler, MG Marmot
Social science & medicine 56 (6), 1321-1333, 2003
Adolescents' perceptions of social status: development and evaluation of a new indicator
E Goodman, NE Adler, I Kawachi, AL Frazier, B Huang, GA Colditz
Pediatrics 108 (2), e31-e31, 2001
Does subjective social status predict health and change in health status better than objective status?
A Singh-Manoux, MG Marmot, NE Adler
Psychosomatic medicine 67 (6), 855-861, 2005
Health disparities across the lifespan: meaning, methods, and mechanisms
NE Adler, J Stewart
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1186 (1), 5-23, 2010
Health psychology: Why do some people get sick and some stay well?
N Adler, K Matthews
Annual review of psychology 45, 229, 1994
From ideas to efficacy: The ORBIT model for developing behavioral treatments for chronic diseases.
SM Czajkowski, LH Powell, N Adler, S Naar-King, KD Reynolds, ...
Health Psychology 34 (10), 971, 2015
Biological sensitivity to context: The interactive effects of stress reactivity and family adversity on socioemotional behavior and school readiness
J Obradović, NR Bush, J Stamperdahl, NE Adler, WT Boyce
Child development 81 (1), 270-289, 2010
Social isolation: a predictor of mortality comparable to traditional clinical risk factors
M Pantell, D Rehkopf, D Jutte, SL Syme, J Balmes, N Adler
American journal of public health 103 (11), 2056-2062, 2013
Subjective social status: Reliability and predictive utility for global health
D Operario, NE Adler, DR Williams
Psychology & health 19 (2), 237-246, 2004
Objective and subjective assessments of socioeconomic status and their relationship to self-rated health in an ethnically diverse sample of pregnant women.
JM Ostrove, NE Adler, M Kuppermann, AE Washington
Health Psychology 19 (6), 613, 2000
The role of psychosocial processes in explaining the gradient between socioeconomic status and health
NE Adler, AC Snibbe
Current Directions in Psychological Science 12 (4), 119-123, 2003
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