James Glass
James Glass
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
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Ast: Audio spectrogram transformer
Y Gong, YA Chung, J Glass
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01778, 2021
JUPlTER: a telephone-based conversational interface for weather information
V Zue, S Seneff, JR Glass, J Polifroni, C Pao, TJ Hazen, L Hetherington
IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 8 (1), 85-96, 2000
Speech database development at MIT: TIMIT and beyond
V Zue, S Seneff, J Glass
Speech communication 9 (4), 351-356, 1990
Conversational interfaces: Advances and challenges
VW Zue, JR Glass
Proceedings of the IEEE 88 (8), 1166-1180, 2000
Analysis methods in neural language processing: A survey
Y Belinkov, J Glass
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 7, 49-72, 2019
An unsupervised autoregressive model for speech representation learning
YA Chung, WN Hsu, H Tang, J Glass
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.03240, 2019
What do neural machine translation models learn about morphology?
Y Belinkov, N Durrani, F Dalvi, H Sajjad, J Glass
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.03471, 2017
Unsupervised spoken keyword spotting via segmental DTW on Gaussian posteriorgrams
Y Zhang, JR Glass
2009 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 398-403, 2009
Unsupervised learning of disentangled and interpretable representations from sequential data
WN Hsu, Y Zhang, J Glass
Advances in neural information processing systems 30, 2017
Unsupervised pattern discovery in speech
AS Park, JR Glass
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 16 (1), 186-197, 2007
A probabilistic framework for segment-based speech recognition
JR Glass
Computer Speech & Language 17 (2-3), 137-152, 2003
Developments and directions in speech recognition and understanding, Part 1 [DSP Education]
JM Baker, L Deng, J Glass, S Khudanpur, CH Lee, N Morgan, ...
IEEE Signal processing magazine 26 (3), 75-80, 2009
Highway long short-term memory rnns for distant speech recognition
Y Zhang, G Chen, D Yu, K Yao, S Khudanpur, J Glass
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Robust speaker recognition in noisy conditions
J Ming, TJ Hazen, JR Glass, DA Reynolds
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (5), 1711-1723, 2007
Modelling out-of-vocabulary words for robust speech recognition
I Bazzi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
Detecting Depression with Audio/Text Sequence Modeling of Interviews.
T Al Hanai, MM Ghassemi, JR Glass
Interspeech, 1716-1720, 2018
Speech feature denoising and dereverberation via deep autoencoders for noisy reverberant speech recognition
X Feng, Y Zhang, J Glass
2014 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2014
Unsupervised learning of spoken language with visual context
D Harwath, A Torralba, J Glass
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 1858-1866, 2016
GALAXY: a human-language interface to on-line travel information.
D Goddeau, E Brill, JR Glass, C Pao, MS Phillips, J Polifroni, S Seneff, ...
ICSLP 94, 707-710, 1994
Cosine similarity scoring without score normalization techniques.
N Dehak, R Dehak, JR Glass, DA Reynolds, P Kenny
Odyssey 15, 2010
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