Nathan D. Brown
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Cited by
Lag and mixing during sediment transfer across the Tian Shan piedmont caused by climate‐driven aggradation–incision cycles
LC Malatesta, JP Avouac, ND Brown, SFM Breitenbach, J Pan, ...
Basin Research 30 (4), 613-635, 2018
Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening in the eastern Tianshan
J Charreau, D Saint-Carlier, S Dominguez, J Lavé, PH Blard, JP Avouac, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 479, 179-191, 2017
Active thrust sheet deformation over multiple rupture cycles: A quantitative basis for relating terrace folds to fault slip rates
JM Stockmeyer, JH Shaw, ND Brown, EJ Rhodes, PW Richardson, ...
Bulletin 129 (9-10), 1337-1356, 2017
Using thermoluminescence signals from feldspars for low-temperature thermochronology
ND Brown, EJ Rhodes, TM Harrison
Quaternary Geochronology 42, 31-41, 2017
Guide for interpreting and reporting luminescence dating results
SA Mahan, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson, N Ataee, N Brown, R DeWitt, ...
Bulletin 135 (5-6), 1480-1502, 2023
Single-grain post-IR IRSL signals of K-feldspars from alluvial fan deposits in Baja California Sur, Mexico
ND Brown, EJ Rhodes, JL Antinao, EV McDonald
Quaternary International 362, 132-138, 2015
Evaluating a SAR TT-OSL protocol for dating fine-grained quartz within Late Pleistocene loess deposits in the Missouri and Mississippi river valleys, United States
ND Brown, SL Forman
Quaternary Geochronology 12, 87-97, 2012
The age and origin of small offsets at Van Matre Ranch along the San Andreas fault in the Carrizo Plain, California
JB Salisbury, JR Arrowsmith, N Brown, T Rockwell, S Akciz, LG Ludwig
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (2), 639-653, 2018
Multimillennial incremental slip rate variability of the Clarence fault at the Tophouse Road site, Marlborough fault system, New Zealand
R Zinke, JF Dolan, EJ Rhodes, R Van Dissen, CP McGuire, AE Hatem, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (2), 717-725, 2019
Late Pleistocene acceleration of deformation across the northern Tianshan piedmont (China) evidenced from the morpho-tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline
J Charreau, D Saint-Carlier, J Lavé, S Dominguez, PH Blard, JP Avouac, ...
Tectonophysics 730, 132-140, 2018
Comprehensive analysis of thermoluminescence signals in MgB4O7: Dy, Na dosimeter
V Pagonis, N Brown, GS Polymeris, G Kitis
Journal of Luminescence 213, 334-342, 2019
Which geomorphic processes can be informed by luminescence measurements?
ND Brown
Geomorphology 367, 107296, 2020
Thermoluminescence measurements of trap depth in alkali feldspars extracted from bedrock samples
ND Brown, EJ Rhodes
Radiation Measurements 96, 53-61, 2017
Revisiting erosion rate estimates from luminescence profiles in exposed bedrock surfaces using stochastic erosion simulations
ND Brown, S Moon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 528, 115842, 2019
Reversible ice sheet thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment during the Late Holocene
G Balco, N Brown, K Nichols, RA Venturelli, J Adams, S Braddock, ...
The Cryosphere Discussions 2022, 1-24, 2022
Late Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial stratigraphy of southern Baja California, Mexico
JL Antinao, E McDonald, EJ Rhodes, N Brown, W Barrera, JC Gosse, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 146, 161-181, 2016
Holocene to latest Pleistocene incremental slip rates from the east-central Hope fault (Conway segment) at Hossack Station, Marlborough fault system, South Island, New Zealand …
AE Hatem, JF Dolan, RW Zinke, RM Langridge, CP McGuire, EJ Rhodes, ...
Geosphere 16 (6), 1558-1584, 2020
Stable rate of slip along the Karakax section of the Altyn Tagh Fault from observation of interglacial and postglacial offset morphology and surface dating
G Peltzer, ND Brown, A Mériaux, J van Der Woerd, EJ Rhodes, RC Finkel, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (5), e2019JB018893, 2020
Latest Pleistocene–Holocene Incremental Slip Rates of the Wairau Fault: Implications for Long‐Distance and Long‐Term Coordination of Faulting Between North and South Island …
R Zinke, JF Dolan, EJ Rhodes, RJ Van Dissen, AE Hatem, CP McGuire, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (9), e2021GC009656, 2021
On the unchanging shape of thermoluminescence peaks in preheated feldspars: Implications for temperature sensing and thermochronometry
V Pagonis, N Brown
Radiation Measurements 124, 19-28, 2019
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Articles 1–20