Jeonghyun Baek
Jeonghyun Baek
Agency for Defense Development
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Efficient pedestrian detection at nighttime using a thermal camera
J Baek, S Hong, J Kim, E Kim
Sensors 17 (8), 1850, 2017
A Novel On-Road Vehicle Detection Method UsingHOG
J Kim, J Baek, E Kim
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 16 (6), 3414-3429, 2015
Artificial intelligence approach for tomato detection and mass estimation in precision agriculture
J Lee, H Nazki, J Baek, Y Hong, M Lee
Sustainability 12 (21), 9138, 2020
Fast and efficient pedestrian detection via the cascade implementation of an additive kernel support vector machine
J Baek, J Kim, E Kim
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (4), 902-916, 2016
Wet area and puddle detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) using a stereo camera
J Kim, J Baek, H Choi, E Kim
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 14 (1), 263-271, 2016
Autonomous vehicle detection system using visible and infrared camera
J Kim, S Hong, J Baek, E Kim, H Lee
2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 630-634, 2012
Comparison between ultrasonography (Dermascan C version 3) and transparency profilometry (Skin Visiometer SV600)
HK Lee, YK Seo, JH Baek, JS Koh
Skin Research and Technology 14 (1), 8-12, 2008
A novel part-based approach to mean-shift algorithm for visual tracking
JP Hwang, J Baek, B Choi, E Kim
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 13, 443-453, 2015
Part-based Hand Detection Using HOG
J Baek, J Kim, C Yoon, DY Kim, E Kim
Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems 23 (6), 551-557, 2013
A pedestrian detection system accelerated by kernelized proposals
J Baek, J Hyun, E Kim
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 21 (3), 1216-1228, 2019
A new support vector machine with an optimal additive kernel
J Baek, E Kim
Neurocomputing 329, 279-299, 2019
Comparison study of different feature classifiers for hand posture classification
J Baek, J Kim, E Kim
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2013
A study of strategic brand identity innovation of Gucci through the change of creative director
JH Baek, SJ Bae
Journal of The Korean Society of Design Culture 25 (1), 185-198, 2019
An efficient genetic selection of the presentation order in simplified fuzzy ARTMAP patterns
J Baek, H Lee, B Lee, H Lee, E Kim
Applied Soft Computing 22, 101-107, 2014
A probabilistic image-weighting scheme for robust silhouette-based gait recognition
H Lee, J Baek, E Kim
Multimedia tools and applications 70, 1399-1419, 2014
Implementation of mobile system based on LBS using design pattern
HR Lee, JH Baek, YC Mun
Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies 12 (1 …, 2009
A study on the vehicle passenger compartment interior flow simulation for the air-conditioning mode
GH Lee, JYG Park, JH Baek
1998 Fall Conference of KASE 98380220, 475-480, 1998
On-road vehicle detection based on effective hypothesis generation
J Kim, J Baek, DY Kim, E Kim
2013 IEEE RO-MAN, 252-257, 2013
Effects of light-quality control on the plant growth in a plant factory system of artificial light type
JW Heo, JH Baek
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 40 (4), 270-278, 2021
A study on the characteristics of Christian Dior's brand communication through YouTube channel fashion film analysis
JH Baek, SJ Bae
Fashion & Textile Research Journal 22 (6), 716-726, 2020
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