Felipe Murtinho
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Cited by
Adaptive capacity in evolving peri-urban spaces: Responses to flood risk in the Upper Lerma River Valley, Mexico
H Eakin, AM Lerner, F Murtinho
Global Environmental Change 20 (1), 14-22, 2010
Water scarcity in the Andes: a comparison of local perceptions and observed climate, land use and socioeconomic changes
F Murtinho, C Tague, B De Bièvre, H Eakin, D Lopez-Carr
Human ecology 41, 667-681, 2013
The impact of payments for environmental services on communal lands: an analysis of the factors driving household land-use behavior in Ecuador
T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff
World Development 93, 427-446, 2017
An institutional analysis of Payment for Environmental Services on collectively managed lands in Ecuador
T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff
Ecological Economics 118, 81-89, 2015
Collective PES: More than the sum of individual incentives
T Hayes, T Grillos, LL Bremer, F Murtinho, E Shapiro
Environmental Science & Policy 102, 1-8, 2019
Does external funding help adaptation? Evidence from community-based water management in the Colombian Andes
F Murtinho, H Eakin, D López-Carr, TM Hayes
Environmental management 52, 1103-1114, 2013
Communal governance, equity and payment for ecosystem services
T Hayes, F Murtinho
Land Use Policy 79, 123-136, 2018
Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation
T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff, MF López-Sandoval, J Salazar
Nature Sustainability 5 (1), 81-88, 2022
Communal Participation in Payment for Environmental Services (PES): Unpacking the Collective Decision to Enroll
F Murtinho, T Hayes
Environmental Management 59 (6), 939-955, 2017
What facilitates adaptation? An analysis of community-based adaptation to environmental change in the Andes
F Murtinho
International Journal of the Commons 10 (1), 2016
Can Conservation Contracts Co-exist with Change? Payment for Ecosystem Services in the Context of Adaptive Decision-Making and Sustainability
T Hayes, F Murtinho, LMC Camacho, P Crespo, S McHugh, D Salmerón
Environmental management 55 (1), 69-85, 2015
Contrasting Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Pine Plantations in the Páramo Ecosystem of Ecuador
C Quiroz Dahik, P Crespo, B Stimm, F Murtinho, M Weber, P Hildebrandt
Sustainability 10 (6), 1707, 2018
A multilevel analysis of population and deforestation in the Sierra de Lacandon National Park, Peten, Guatemala
DL Carr, F Murtinho, WK Pan, A Barbieri, RE Bilsborrow, C Suchindran, ...
Documents D'analisi Geografica 52, 49-67, 2008
Adaptation in Resource-Dependent Communities: A Call for Greater Methodological Clarity in Adaptation Field Research
F Murtinho, TM Hayes
Society and Natural Resources, 2011
Are indigenous forest reserves sustainable? An analysis of present and future land-use trends in Bosawas, Nicaragua
TM Hayes, F Murtinho
The International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 15 (6 …, 2008
Un análisis multinivel de población y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandón (Petén, Guatemala)
DL Carr, F Murtinho, WKY Pan, A Barbieri, RE Bilsborrow, C Suchindran, ...
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 49-67, 2009
Síntesis de los impactos de los efectos del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos en los Andes Tropicales y las estrategias de adaptación desarrolladas por los pobladores
B De Bièvre, M Bustamante, W Buytaert, F Murtinho, MT Armijos
Panorama Andino de Cambio Climático: Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación en los …, 2012
Understanding adaptation to climate variability: Challenges and opportunities of community based water management
F Murtinho
ICARUS I: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Theories and Cases, 2010
Adaptation to Environmental Change among Water User Associations in the Colombian Andes
F Murtinho
Diagnosing Participation and Inclusion in Collective Decision-Making in the Commons: Lessons from Ecuador
T Hayes, F Murtinho
International Journal of the Commons 17 (1), 2023
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Articles 1–20