Ivan Markovsky
Ivan Markovsky
International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering
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Overview of total least-squares methods
I Markovsky, S Van Huffel
Signal processing 87 (10), 2283-2302, 2007
A note on persistency of excitation
JC Willems, P Rapisarda, I Markovsky, BLM De Moor
Systems & Control Letters 54 (4), 325-329, 2005
Low rank approximation
I Markovsky
Springer, 2012
Data-driven simulation and control
I Markovsky, P Rapisarda
International Journal of Control 81 (12), 1946-1959, 2008
Structured low-rank approximation and its applications
I Markovsky
Automatica 44 (4), 891-909, 2008
Behavioral systems theory in data-driven analysis, signal processing, and control
I Markovsky, F Dörfler
Annual Reviews in Control 52, 42-64, 2021
Exact and approximate modeling of linear systems: A behavioral approach
I Markovsky, JC Willems, S Van Huffel, B De Moor
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2006
Bridging direct and indirect data-driven control formulations via regularizations and relaxations
F Dörfler, J Coulson, I Markovsky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (2), 883-897, 2022
Supervisory hybrid systems
MD Lemmon, KX He, I Markovsky
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 19 (4), 42-55, 1999
The element-wise weighted total least-squares problem
I Markovsky, ML Rastello, A Premoli, A Kukush, S Van Huffel
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50 (1), 181-209, 2006
Identification of electrically stimulated muscle models of stroke patients
F Le, I Markovsky, CT Freeman, E Rogers
Control Engineering Practice 18 (4), 396-407, 2010
Application of structured total least squares for system identification and model reduction
I Markovsky, JC Willems, S Van Huffel, B De Moor, R Pintelon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (10), 1490-1500, 2005
Algorithms for deterministic balanced subspace identification
I Markovsky, JC Willems, P Rapisarda, BLM De Moor
Automatica 41 (5), 755-766, 2005
Recursive identification of Hammerstein systems with application to electrically stimulated muscle
F Le, I Markovsky, CT Freeman, E Rogers
Control Engineering Practice 20 (4), 386-396, 2012
Consistent least squares fitting of ellipsoids
I Markovsky, A Kukush, SV Huffel
Numerische Mathematik 98, 177-194, 2004
Structured low-rank approximation with missing data
I Markovsky, K Usevich
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (2), 814-830, 2013
Identifiability in the behavioral setting
I Markovsky, F Dörfler
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (3), 1667-1677, 2022
Software for weighted structured low-rank approximation
I Markovsky, K Usevich
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 256, 278-292, 2014
On the equivalence between total least squares and maximum likelihood PCA
M Schuermans, I Markovsky, PD Wentzell, S Van Huffel
Analytica Chimica Acta 544 (1-2), 254-267, 2005
Consistency of the structured total least squares estimator in a multivariate errors-in-variables model
A Kukush, I Markovsky, S Van Huffel
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 133 (2), 315-358, 2005
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