Onur Kaya
Onur Kaya
Eskisehir Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering
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Incentive and production decisions for remanufacturing operations
O Kaya
European Journal of Operational Research 201 (2), 442-453, 2010
A mixed integer nonlinear programming model and heuristic solutions for location, inventory and pricing decisions in a closed loop supply chain
O Kaya, B Urek
Computers & Operations Research 65, 93-103, 2016
An adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for a selective and periodic inventory routing problem
D Aksen, O Kaya, FS Salman, Ö Tüncel
European Journal of Operational Research 239 (2), 413-426, 2014
Outsourcing vs. in-house production: a comparison of supply chain contracts with effort dependent demand
O Kaya
Omega 39 (2), 168-178, 2011
A comparison of pure manufacturing and hybrid manufacturing–remanufacturing systems under carbon tax policy
M Alegoz, O Kaya, ZP Bayindir
European Journal of Operational Research 294 (1), 161-173, 2021
Location and capacity decisions for electric bus charging stations considering waiting times
T Uslu, O Kaya
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 90, 102645, 2021
Selective and periodic inventory routing problem for waste vegetable oil collection
D Aksen, O Kaya, FS Salman, Y Akça
Optimization letters 6, 1063-1080, 2012
Combined make-to-order/make-to-stock supply chains
P Kaminsky, O Kaya
IIE Transactions 41 (2), 103-119, 2009
Inventory positioning, scheduling and lead-time quotation in supply chains
P Kaminsky, O Kaya
International Journal of Production Economics 114 (1), 276-293, 2008
A healthcare network design model with mobile hospitals for disaster preparedness: A case study for Istanbul earthquake
M Acar, O Kaya
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 130, 273-292, 2019
An analysis of price, service and commission rate decisions in online sales made through E-commerce platforms
M Hasiloglu, O Kaya
Computers & Industrial Engineering 162, 107688, 2021
Planning of capacity, production and inventory decisions in a generic reverse supply chain under uncertain demand and returns
O Kaya, F Bagci, M Turkay
International Journal of Production Research 52 (1), 270-282, 2014
Inventory control and pricing for perishable products under age and price dependent stochastic demand
O Kaya, SR Ghahroodi
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 88, 1-35, 2018
Coordinated pricing and inventory decisions for perishable products
O Kaya, AL Polat
OR Spectrum, 1-18, 2017
Scheduling and due‐date quotation in a make‐to‐order supply chain
P Kaminsky, O Kaya
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (5), 444-458, 2008
A Blood Bank Network Design Problem with Integrated Facility Location, Inventory and Routing Decisions
O Kaya, D Ozkok
Networks and Spatial Economics 20 (3), 757-783, 2020
Contracting models for pricing and capacity decisions in healthcare systems
A Teymourifar, O Kaya, G Ozturk
Omega 100, 102232, 2021
Closing the loop in supply chains: Economic and environmental effects
M Alegoz, O Kaya, ZP Bayindir
Computers & Industrial Engineering 142, 106366, 2020
Aircraft sequencing and scheduling in parallel-point merge systems for multiple parallel runways
K Dönmez, C Çetek, O Kaya
Transportation Research Record 2676 (3), 108-124, 2022
Public and private healthcare coordination: An analysis of contract mechanisms based on subsidy payments
O Kaya, A Teymourifar, G Ozturk
Computers & Industrial Engineering 146, 106526, 2020
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