Kyle Ellrott
Cited by
Cited by
Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours
Brigham & Women’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School Chin Lynda 9 11 Park ...
Nature 490 (7418), 61-70, 2012
Comprehensive molecular characterization of human colon and rectal cancer
Cancer Genome Atlas Network
Nature 487 (7407), 330, 2012
The cancer genome atlas pan-cancer analysis project
JN Weinstein, EA Collisson, GB Mills, KR Shaw, BA Ozenberger, K Ellrott, ...
Nature genetics 45 (10), 1113-1120, 2013
The somatic genomic landscape of glioblastoma
CW Brennan, RGW Verhaak, A McKenna, B Campos, H Noushmehr, ...
cell 155 (2), 462-477, 2013
Comprehensive genomic characterization of squamous cell lung cancers
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network
Nature 489 (7417), 519, 2012
Comprehensive molecular characterization of clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network Analysis working group: Baylor College ...
Nature 499 (7456), 43-49, 2013
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes
Nature 578 (7793), 82-93, 2020
Scalable open science approach for mutation calling of tumor exomes using multiple genomic pipelines
K Ellrott, MH Bailey, G Saksena, KR Covington, C Kandoth, C Stewart, ...
Cell systems 6 (3), 271-281. e7, 2018
Combining tumor genome simulation with crowdsourcing to benchmark somatic single-nucleotide-variant detection
AD Ewing, KE Houlahan, Y Hu, K Ellrott, C Caloian, TN Yamaguchi, ...
Nature methods 12 (7), 623-630, 2015
Weinstein JN
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network
Collisson EA, Mills GB, Shaw KRM, Ozenberger BA, Ellrott K., Shmulevich I …, 2013
The UCSC cancer genomics browser: update 2013
M Goldman, B Craft, T Swatloski, K Ellrott, M Cline, M Diekhans, S Ma, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D949-D954, 2013
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare
HL Rehm, AJH Page, L Smith, JB Adams, G Alterovitz, LJ Babb, ...
Cell genomics 1 (2), 2021
A pan-cancer analysis reveals high-frequency genetic alterations in mediators of signaling by the TGF-β superfamily
A Korkut, S Zaidi, RS Kanchi, S Rao, NR Gough, A Schultz, X Li, ...
Cell systems 7 (4), 422-437. e7, 2018
Identifying transcription factor binding sites through Markov chain optimization
K Ellrott, C Yang, FM Sladek, T Jiang
Bioinformatics 18 (suppl_2), S100-S109, 2002
PROSPECT II: protein structure prediction program for genome‐scale applications
D Kim, D Xu, J Guo, K Ellrott, Y Xu
Protein engineering 16 (9), 641-650, 2003
Enabling transparent and collaborative computational analysis of 12 tumor types within The Cancer Genome Atlas
L Omberg, K Ellrott, Y Yuan, C Kandoth, C Wong, MR Kellen, SH Friend, ...
Nature genetics 45 (10), 1121-1126, 2013
A harmonized meta-knowledgebase of clinical interpretations of somatic genomic variants in cancer
AH Wagner, B Walsh, G Mayfield, D Tamborero, D Sonkin, K Krysiak, ...
Nature genetics 52 (4), 448-457, 2020
Inverting the model of genomics data sharing with the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space
MC Schatz, AA Philippakis, E Afgan, E Banks, VJ Carey, RJ Carroll, ...
Cell Genomics 2 (1), 2022
Structure of the γ-D-glutamyl-L-diamino acid endopeptidase YkfC from Bacillus cereus in complex with L-Ala-γ-D-Glu: insights into substrate recognition by NlpC/P60 cysteine …
Q Xu, P Abdubek, T Astakhova, HL Axelrod, C Bakolitsa, X Cai, D Carlton, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization …, 2010
TumorMap: exploring the molecular similarities of cancer samples in an interactive portal
Y Newton, AM Novak, T Swatloski, DC McColl, S Chopra, K Graim, ...
Cancer research 77 (21), e111-e114, 2017
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Articles 1–20