Associate Professor of China Agricultural University
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Cited by
A smart-vision algorithm for counting whiteflies and thrips on sticky traps using two-dimensional Fourier transform spectrum
Y Sun, H Cheng, Q Cheng, H Zhou, M Li, Y Fan, G Shan, L Damerow, ...
Biosystems Engineering 153, 82-88, 2017
In situ measuring soil ice content with a combined use of dielectric tube sensor and neutron moisture meter in a common access tube
Q Cheng, Y Sun, Y Qin, X Xue, X Cai, W Sheng, Y Zhao
Agricultural and forest meteorology 171, 249-255, 2013
Map-based investigation of soil physical conditions and crop yield using diverse sensor techniques
Y Sun, H Druecker, E Hartung, H Hueging, Q Cheng, Q Zeng, W Sheng, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 112 (2), 149-158, 2011
In situ measurement of stem water content and diurnal storage of an apricot tree with a high frequency inner fringing dielectric sensor
H Zhou, Y Sun, G Shan, DA Grantz, Q Cheng, PS Lammers, L Damerow, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 250, 35-46, 2018
Electrical imaging of plant root zone: A review
PF Zhao, YQ Wang, SX Yan, LF Fan, ZY Wang, Q Zhou, JP Yao, Q Cheng, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 167, 105058, 2019
In situ measured and simulated seasonal freeze–thaw cycle: A 2-year comparative study between layered and homogeneous field soil profiles
Q Cheng, Y Sun, SB Jones, VI Vasilyev, VV Popov, G Wang, L Zheng
Journal of Hydrology 519, 1466-1473, 2014
An improved penetrometer technique for determining bale density
Y Sun, W Buescher, J Lin, PS Lammers, F Ross, C Maack, Q Cheng, ...
Biosystems engineering 105 (2), 273-277, 2010
Determining in-situ soil freeze–thaw cycle dynamics using an access tube-based dielectric sensor
Y Sun, Q Cheng, X Xue, L Fu, J Chai, F Meng, PS Lammers, SB Jones
Geoderma 189, 321-327, 2012
An improved sensor for precision detection of in situ stem water content using a frequency domain fringing capacitor
H Zhou, Y Sun, MT Tyree, W Sheng, Q Cheng, X Xue, H Schumann, ...
New Phytologist 206 (1), 471-481, 2015
CO2 production, dissolution and pressure dynamics during silage production: multi-sensor-based insight into parameter interactions
M Li, G Shan, H Zhou, W Buescher, C Maack, KH Jungbluth, A Lipski, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14721, 2017
Energy-based comparison between a dynamic cone penetrometer and a motor-operated static cone penetrometer
Y Sun, Q Cheng, J Lin, PS Lammers, A Berg, F Meng, Q Zeng, L Li
Soil and Tillage Research 115, 105-109, 2011
Monitoring tomato root zone water content variation and partitioning evapotranspiration with a novel horizontally-oriented mobile dielectric sensor
G Shan, Y Sun, Q Cheng, Z Wang, H Zhou, L Wang, X Xue, B Chen, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 228, 85-94, 2016
Failure mechanisms and deformation processes of a high-locality landslide at Tonghua Town, Li County, China, 2017
D Wang, M Liu, X Zhu, H Ma, Q Cheng, M Zhu, Z Chen, C Ouyang
Landslides 17, 165-177, 2020
Investigating soil physical properties and yield response in a grassland field using a dual‐sensor penetrometer and EM38
Y Sun, Q Cheng, J Lin, J Schellberg, P Schulze Lammers
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176 (2), 209-216, 2013
Image-based comparison between a γ-ray scanner and a dual-sensor penetrometer technique for visual assessment of bale density distribution
Y Sun, Q Cheng, F Meng, W Buescher, C Maack, F Ross, J Lin
Computers and electronics in agriculture 82, 1-7, 2012
A novel method to determine the volume of sensitivity for soil moisture sensors
Y Sun, W Sheng, Q Cheng, J Chai, Y Yun, Y Zhao, X Xue, PS Lammers, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (6), 1987-1991, 2012
A study to identify and correct friction-induced error of penetration measurement for agricultural materials
Y Sun, F Meng, W Buescher, PS Lammers, J Lin, F Ross, C Maack, ...
Measurement 45 (5), 829-835, 2012
Effects of Three Different Additives and Two Different Bulk Densities on Maize Silage Characteristics, Temperature Profiles, CO2 and O2–Dynamics in Small Scale …
KH Jungbluth, M Trimborn, GC Maack, W Büscher, M Li, H Cheng, ...
Applied Sciences 7 (6), 545, 2017
Tracking oxygen and temperature dynamics in maize silage-novel application of a Clark oxygen electrode
Y Sun, M Li, Q Cheng, KH Jungbluth, C Maack, W Buescher, D Ma, ...
Biosystems Engineering 139, 60-65, 2015
In situ determination of soil freezing characteristics for estimation of soil moisture characteristics using a dielectric tube sensor
Q Cheng, Y Sun, X Xue, J Guo
Soil Science Society of America Journal 78 (1), 133-138, 2014
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Articles 1–20