Emily Gonzales
Emily Gonzales
Parks Canada and University of Victoria
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Cited by
International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration
GD Gann, T McDonald, B Walder, J Aronson, CR Nelson, J Jonson, ...
Restoration ecology 27 (S1), S1-S46, 2019
Priority actions to improve provenance decision-making
MF Breed, PA Harrison, A Bischoff, P Durruty, NJC Gellie, EK Gonzales, ...
BioScience 68 (7), 510-516, 2018
Geography, deer, and host biodiversity shape the pattern of Lyme disease emergence in the Thousand Islands Archipelago of Ontario, Canada
L Werden, IK Barker, J Bowman, EK Gonzales, PA Leighton, LR Lindsay, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e85640, 2014
Testing assumptions of cost surface analysis—a tool for invasive species management
EK Gonzales, SE Gergel
Landscape Ecology 22, 1155-1168, 2007
Herbivory more limiting than competition on early and established native plants in an invaded meadow
EK Gonzales, P Arcese
Ecology 89 (12), 3282-3289, 2008
Strategic reserve design in the central coast of British Columbia: integrating ecological and industrial goals
EK Gonzales, P Arcese, R Schulz, FL Bunnell
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33 (11), 2129-2140, 2003
The SER Standards: a globally relevant and inclusive tool for improving restoration practice—a reply to Higgs et al.
GD Gann, T McDonald, J Aronson, KW Dixon, B Walder, JG Hallett, ...
Restoration Ecology 26 (3), 426-430, 2018
Plant community biomass shifts in response to mowing and fencing in invaded oak meadows with non‐native grasses and abundant ungulates
EK Gonzales, DR Clements
Restoration Ecology 18 (5), 753-761, 2010
Prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti in Ixodes scapularis from a Newly Established Lyme Disease Endemic Area, the Thousand …
L Werden, LR Lindsay, IK Barker, J Bowman, EK Gonzales, CM Jardine
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 15 (10), 627-629, 2015
Social–ecological management results in sustained recovery of an imperiled salmon population
D Cote, TE Van Leeuwen, AJ Bath, EK Gonzales, AL Cote
Restoration Ecology 29 (5), e13401, 2021
Identifying governance problems and solutions for forest landscape restoration in protected area landscapes
S Mansourian, G Walters, E Gonzales
Parks 25 (1), 83-96, 2019
Using problem-based learning to teach concepts for ecological restoration
V Schaefer, E Gonzales
Ecological Restoration 31 (4), 412-418, 2013
The effects of herbivory, competition, and disturbance on island meadows
EK Gonzales
University of British Columbia, 2008
The distribution and habitat selection of introduced Eastern Grey Squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, in British Columbia
EK Gonzales
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 119 (3), 343-350, 2005
Setting ambitious international restoration objectives for terrestrial ecosystems for 2030 and beyond
P Leadley, E Archer, B Bendandi, J Cavender-Bares, L Davalos, ...
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1 (12), e0000039, 2022
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030): what can protected areas contribute?
N Dudley, E Gonzales, JG Hallett, K Keenleyside, M Mumba
Parks 26 (26), 111-117, 2020
Positive relationship between non-native and native squirrels in an urban landscape
EK Gonzales, YF Wiersma, AI Maher, TD Nudds
Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (5), 356-363, 2008
Standards of practice to guide ecosystem restoration: A contribution to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030
CR Nelson, JG Hallett, AE Romero Montoya, A Andrade, C Besacier, ...
Food & Agriculture Org., 2024
Decision-support model to explore the feasibility of using translocation to restore a woodland caribou population in Pukaskwa National Park, Canada
EK Gonzales, P Nantel, AR Rodgers, ML Allen, CC Drake
Rangifer, 27-48, 2015
Distinguishing between modes of dispersal by introduced eastern grey squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis
EK Gonzales
University of Guelph, 2000
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Articles 1–20