giovanna jona lasinio
giovanna jona lasinio
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Sapienza University of Rome
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Cited by
A low-cost drone based application for identifying and mapping of coastal fish nursery grounds
D Ventura, M Bruno, GJ Lasinio, A Belluscio, G Ardizzone
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 171, 85-98, 2016
Two statistical methods to validate habitat suitability models using presence-only data.
D Ottaviani, G Jona Lasinio, L Boitani
Ecological Modelling 179 (4), 417-443, 2004
Spatial analysis of wave direction data using wrapped Gaussian processes
G Jona-Lasinio, A Gelfand, M Jona-Lasinio
The Annals of Applied Statistics 6 (4), 1478-1498, 2012
Identifying fish nurseries using density and persistence measures.
F Colloca, V Bartolino, GJ Lasinio, L Maiorano, P Sartor, G Ardizzone
Marine Ecology, Progress Series 381, 287-296, 2009
Development of a numerical index quantitating small bowel damage as detected by ultrasonography in Crohn's disease
E Calabrese, F Zorzi, S Zuzzi, S Ooka, S Onali, C Petruzziello, GJ Lasinio, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 6 (8), 852-860, 2012
Abundance and distribution of the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea
S Moro, G Jona‐Lasinio, B Block, F Micheli, G De Leo, F Serena, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (2), 338-349, 2020
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 across European nations
K Sherratt, H Gruson, H Johnson, R Niehus, B Prasse, F Sandmann, ...
Elife 12, e81916, 2023
Stratification of hospitalized COVID-19 patients into clinical severity progression groups by immuno-phenotyping and machine learning
YM Mueller, TJ Schrama, R Ruijten, MWJ Schreurs, DGB Grashof, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1-13, 2022
An ensemble approach to short‐term forecast of COVID‐19 intensive care occupancy in Italian regions
A Farcomeni, A Maruotti, F Divino, G Jona‐Lasinio, G Lovison
Biometrical Journal 63 (3), 503-513, 2021
Discussing the “big n problem”
GJ Lasinio, G Mastrantonio, A Pollice
Statistical Methods & Applications 22 (1), 97-112, 2013
Mapping return levels of absolute NDVI variations for the assessment of drought risk in Ethiopia
F Tonini, GJ Lasinio, HH Hochmair
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18 …, 2012
Joint spatio-temporal analysis of a linear and a directional variable: space-time modeling of wave heights and wave directions in the Adriatic Sea
F Wang, AE Gelfand, G Jona-Lasinio
Statistica Sinica, 25-39, 2015
Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) an early warning indicator species of global warming in the central Mediterranean Sea
F Colloca, G Mastrantonio, GJ Lasinio, A Ligas, P Sartor
Journal of Marine Systems 138, 29-39, 2014
Nowcasting COVID‐19 incidence indicators during the Italian first outbreak
P Alaimo Di Loro, F Divino, A Farcomeni, G Jona Lasinio, G Lovison, ...
Statistics in Medicine 40 (16), 3843-3864, 2021
Bayesian hidden Markov modelling using circular‐linear general projected normal distribution
G Mastrantonio, A Maruotti, G Jona‐Lasinio
Environmetrics 26 (2), 145-158, 2015
Natural variability and reference conditions: setting type-specific classification boundaries for lagoon macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
A Basset, E Barbone, A Borja, M Elliott, G Jona-Lasinio, JC Marques, ...
Hydrobiologia 704 (1), 325-345, 2013
SDG 12.3. 1: Global Food Loss Index
C Fabi, A English, M Mingione, G Jona Lasinio
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: Rome, Italy, 2018
Assessment of the impact of salvaging the Costa Concordia wreck on the deep coralligenous habitats
E Casoli, D Ventura, L Cutroneo, M Capello, G Jona-Lasinio, R Rinaldi, ...
Ecological Indicators 80, 124-134, 2017
Temporal partitioning of microhabitat use among four juvenile fish species of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Perciformes, Sparidae)
D Ventura, G Jona Lasinio, G Ardizzone
Marine Ecology 36 (4), 1013-1032, 2015
Stable isotope-based statistical tools as ecological indicator of pollution sources in Mediterranean transitional water ecosystems
G Jona-Lasinio, ML Costantini, E Calizza, A Pollice, F Bentivoglio, ...
Ecological Indicators 55, 23-31, 2015
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