Brian Woerner
Brian Woerner
Professor of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University
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Position location using wireless communications on highways of the future
TS Rappaport, JH Reed, BD Woerner
IEEE communications Magazine 34 (10), 33-41, 2002
An overview of the challenges and progress in meeting the E-911 requirement for location service
JH Reed, KJ Krizman, BD Woerner, TS Rappaport
IEEE Communications Magazine 36 (4), 30-37, 1998
Iterative channel estimation and decoding of pilot symbol assisted turbo codes over flat-fading channels
MC Valenti, BD Woerner
IEEE journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19 (9), 1697-1705, 2001
A simple stopping criterion for turbo decoding
Y Wu, BD Woerner, WJ Ebel
IEEE Communications letters 4 (8), 258-260, 2000
A simulation comparison of multiuser receivers for cellular CDMA
RM Buehrer, NS Correal-Mendoza, BD Woerner
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 49 (4), 1065-1085, 2000
A DSP-based DS-CDMA multiuser receiver employing partial parallel interference cancellation
NS Correal, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 17 (4), 613-630, 1999
Joint power allocation and relay selection for multiuser cooperative communication
K Vardhe, D Reynolds, BD Woerner
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (4), 1255-1260, 2010
Analysis of adaptive multistage interference cancellation for CDMA using an improved Gaussian approximation
RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Transactions on Communications 44 (10), 1308-1321, 1996
The impact of multiuser diversity on space-time block coding
R Gozali, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Communications Letters 7 (5), 213-215, 2003
Analysis of DS-CDMA parallel interference cancellation with phase and timing errors
RM Buehrer, A Kaul, S Striglis, BD Woerner
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 14 (8), 1522-1535, 1996
Spatial fading correlation function of circular antenna arrays with Laplacian energy distribution
JA Tsai, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Communications Letters 6 (5), 178-180, 2002
A comparison of multiuser receivers for cellular CDMA
RM Buehrer, NS Correal, BD Woerner
Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 3 …, 1996
Path-loss and time dispersion parameters for indoor UWB propagation
A Muqaibel, A Safaai-Jazi, A Attiya, B Woerner, S Riad
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 5 (3), 550-559, 2006
BER performance of a uniform circular array versus a uniform linear array in a mobile radio environment
JA Tsai, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (3), 695-700, 2004
Performance of turbo codes in interleaved flat fading channels with estimated channel state information
MC Valenti, BD Woerner
VTC'98. 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Pathway to Global …, 1998
Performance analysis of CDMA with imperfect power control
R Cameron, B Woerner
IEEE Transactions on Communications 44 (7), 777-781, 1996
Improved CDMA performance through bias reduction for parallel interference cancellation
NS Correal, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 1997
The impact of AOA energy distribution on the spatial fading correlation of linear antenna array
JA Tsai, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference …, 2002
The influence of quantization and fixed point arithmetic upon the BER performance of turbo codes
Y Wu, BD Woerner
1999 IEEE 49th Vehicular Technology Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36363) 2, 1683-1687, 1999
Analytic limits on performance of adaptive multistage interference cancellation for CDMA
A Kaul, BD Woerner
Electronics Letters 30 (25), 2093-2095, 1994
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