Hartwig Hochmair
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Cited by
Influence of estimation errors on wayfinding-decisions in unknown street networks–analyzing the least-angle strategy
H Hochmair, AU Frank
Spatial Cognition and Computation 2, 283-313, 2000
Assessing the Effect of Data Imports on the Completeness of OpenStreetMap – A United States Case Study
D Zielstra, HH Hochmair, P Neis
Transactions in GIS 17 (3), 315-334, 2013
Comparative study of pedestrian accessibility to transit stations using free and proprietary network data
D Zielstra, HH Hochmair
Transportation Research Record 2217 (1), 145-152, 2011
Positional accuracy analysis of Flickr and Panoramio images for selected world regions
D Zielstra, HH Hochmair
Journal of Spatial Science 58 (2), 251-273, 2013
Evaluating the data quality of iNaturalist termite records
HH Hochmair, RH Scheffrahn, M Basille, M Boone
PLoS One 15 (5), e0226534, 2020
Estimating bicycle trip volume for Miami-Dade county from Strava tracking data
HH Hochmair, E Bardin, A Ahmouda
Journal of transport geography 75, 58-69, 2019
Network structure and travel time perception
P Parthasarathi, D Levinson, H Hochmair
PloS one 8 (10), e77718, 2013
Towards a classification of route selection criteria for route planning tools
PF Fisher, H Hochmair
Developments in Spatial Data Handling: 11 th International Symposium on …, 2005
Analyzing how travelers choose scenic routes using route choice models
M Alivand, H Hochmair, S Srinivasan
Computers, environment and urban systems 50, 41-52, 2015
Assessment of bicycle service areas around transit stations
HH Hochmair
International journal of sustainable transportation 9 (1), 15-29, 2015
Assessing the Completeness of Bicycle Trail and Lane Features in OpenStreetMap for the United States
HH Hochmair, D Zielstra, P Neis
Transactions in GIS 19 (1), 63-81, 2015
Using free and proprietary data to compare shortest-path lengths for effective pedestrian routing in street networks
D Zielstra, HH Hochmair
Transportation Research Record 2299 (1), 41-47, 2012
Where to catch ‘em all?–a geographic analysis of Pokémon Go locations
L Juhász, HH Hochmair
Geo-spatial information science 20 (3), 241-251, 2017
User contribution patterns and completeness evaluation of Mapillary, a crowdsourced street level photo service
L Juhász, HH Hochmair
Transactions in GIS 20 (6), 925-947, 2016
A conceptual model for analyzing contribution patterns in the context of VGI
K Rehrl, S Gröechenig, H Hochmair, S Leitinger, R Steinmann, A Wagner
Progress in location-based services, 373-388, 2013
Investigation of preference between the least-angle strategy and the initial segment strategy for route selection in unknown environments
HH Hochmair, V Karlsson
International Conference on Spatial Cognition, 79-97, 2004
Street network structure and household activity spaces
P Parthasarathi, H Hochmair, D Levinson
Urban Studies 52 (6), 1090-1112, 2015
Analyzing the spread of tweets in response to Paris attacks
S Cvetojevic, HH Hochmair
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 71, 14-26, 2018
Spatiotemporal pattern analysis of taxi trips in New York City
HH Hochmair
Transportation research record 2542 (1), 45-56, 2016
Spatiotemporal analysis of photo contribution patterns to Panoramio and Flickr
M Alivand, HH Hochmair
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 44 (2), 170-184, 2017
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Articles 1–20