Eric Paquette
Eric Paquette
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The simulation of paint cracking and peeling
E Paquette, P Poulin, G Drettakis
Proceedings of Graphics Interface, 10, 2002
A light hierarchy for fast rendering of scenes with many lights
E Paquette, P Poulin, G Drettakis
Computer Graphics Forum 17 (3), 63-74, 1998
Surface aging by impacts
E Paquette, P Poulin, G Drettakis
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2001, 2001
Rig retargeting for 3D animation.
M Poirier, E Paquette
Graphics Interface, 103-110, 2009
Animation Setup Transfer for 3D Characters
Q Avril, D Ghafourzadeh, S Ramachandran, S Fallahdoust, S Ribet, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (2), 2016
Soft shadows from extended light sources with penumbra deep shadow maps.
JF St-Amour, E Paquette, P Poulin
Graphics Interface 2005, 105-112, 2005
A prediction-correction approach for stable SPH fluid simulation from liquid to rigid
F Dagenais, J Gagnon, E Paquette
Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International, 2012
Procedural and interactive icicle modeling
J Gagnon, E Paquette
The Visual Computer 27 (6), 451-461, 2011
Region of interest and multiresolution for volume rendering
S Piccand, R Noumeir, E Paquette
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12 (5), 561-568, 2008
Computer Graphics education in different curricula: analysis and proposal for courses
E Paquette
Computers & Graphics 29 (2), 245-255, 2005
An efficient layered simulation workflow for snow imprints
F Dagenais, J Gagnon, E Paquette
The visual computer 32 (6), 881-890, 2016
Part-based 3D face morphable model with anthropometric local control
D Ghafourzadeh, C Rahgoshay, S Fallahdoust, A Aubame, A Beauchamp, ...
Graphics Interface 2020, 2020
Robust attribute transfer for character animation
O Dionne, M De Lasa, S Ramachandran, S Fallhdoust, E Paquette, ...
US Patent 10,489,956, 2019
Neural upflow: A scene flow learning approach to increase the apparent resolution of particle-based liquids
B Roy, P Poulin, E Paquette
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 4 (3 …, 2021
Dynamic lapped texture for fluid simulations
J Gagnon, F Dagenais, E Paquette
The Visual Computer 32 (6), 901-909, 2016
Efficient editing of aged object textures
O Clément, J Benoit, E Paquette
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computer graphics …, 2007
Real-time virtual pipes simulation and modeling for small-scale shallow water
F Dagenais, J Guzman, V Vervondel, A Hay, S Delorme, D Mould, ...
Proceedings of VRIPHYS 2018 workshop on virtual reality interaction and …, 2018
Efficient visualization of volume data sets with region of interest and wavelets
S Piccand, R Noumeir, E Paquette
Medical Imaging 2005: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display …, 2005
Local control editing paradigms for part‐based 3D face morphable models
D Ghafourzadeh, S Fallahdoust, C Rahgoshay, A Beauchamp, A Aubame, ...
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 32 (6), e2028, 2021
Face Editing Using Part‐Based Optimization of the Latent Space
MA Aliari, A Beauchamp, T Popa, E Paquette
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (2), 269-279, 2023
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Articles 1–20