Jeremiah W. Busch
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Cited by
The relative importance of reproductive assurance and automatic selection as hypotheses for the evolution of self-fertilization
JW Busch, LF Delph
Annals of Botany 109 (3), 553-562, 2012
Is self‐fertilization an evolutionary dead end?
B Igic, JW Busch
New Phytologist 198 (2), 386-397, 2013
The scope of Baker's law
JR Pannell, JR Auld, Y Brandvain, M Burd, JW Busch, PO Cheptou, ...
New Phytologist 208 (3), 656-667, 2015
The evolution of self-compatibility in geographically peripheral populations of Leavenworthia alabamica (Brassicaceae)
JW Busch
American Journal of Botany 92 (9), 1503-1512, 2005
The evolution of self-incompatibility when mates are limiting
JW Busch, DJ Schoen
Trends in Plant Science 13 (3), 128-136, 2008
Inbreeding depression in self-incompatible and self-compatible populations of Leavenworthia alabamica
JW Busch
Heredity 94 (2), 159-165, 2005
Self‐compatibility is over‐represented on islands
DL Grossenbacher, Y Brandvain, JR Auld, M Burd, PO Cheptou, ...
New Phytologist 215 (1), 469-478, 2017
Demographic signatures accompanying the evolution of selfing in Leavenworthia alabamica
JW Busch, S Joly, DJ Schoen
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (5), 1717-1729, 2011
Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 May 2009–31 July 2009
GR Almany, MP De Arruda, W Arthofer, ZK Atallah, SR Beissinger, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (6), 1460-1466, 2009
Evidence for maintenance of sex by pathogens in plants
JW Busch, M Neiman, JM Koslow
Evolution 58 (11), 2584-2590, 2004
Relaxed pollinator-mediated selection weakens floral integration in self-compatible taxa of Leavenworthia (Brassicaceae)
IA Anderson, JW Busch
American Journal of Botany 93 (6), 860-867, 2006
Demographic and population‐genetic tests provide mixed support for the abundant centre hypothesis in the endemic plant Leavenworthia stylosa
AL Dixon, CR Herlihy, JW Busch
Molecular Ecology 22 (7), 1777-1791, 2013
Heterosis in an isolated, effectively small, and self‐fertilizing population of the flowering plant Leavenworthia alabamica
JW Busch
Evolution 60 (1), 184-191, 2006
Social supergenes of superorganisms: do supergenes play important roles in social evolution?
TA Linksvayer, JW Busch, CR Smith
BioEssays 35 (8), 683-689, 2013
Selfing ability and drift load evolve with range expansion
MH Koski, NC Layman, CJ Prior, JW Busch, LF Galloway
Evolution Letters 3 (5), 500-512, 2019
On the evolution of self‐fertilization in a metapopulation
DJ Schoen, JW Busch
International Journal of Plant Sciences 169 (1), 119-127, 2008
Does mate limitation in self-incompatible species promote the evolution of selfing? The case of Leavenworthia alabamica
JW Busch, S Joly, DJ Schoen
Evolution 64 (6), 1657-1670, 2010
Genetic variation and relationships of constitutive and herbivore-induced glucosinolates, trypsin inhibitors, and herbivore resistance in Brassica rapa
DF Cipollini, JW Busch, KA Stowe, EL Simms, J Bergelson
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (2), 285-302, 2003
Diverse ecological relations of male gametophyte populations in stylar environments
LD Harder, MA Aizen, SA Richards, MA Joseph, JW Busch
American Journal of Botany 103 (3), 484-497, 2016
Costs of selfing prevent the spread of a self‐compatibility mutation that causes reproductive assurance
NC Layman, MTR Fernando, CR Herlihy, JW Busch
Evolution 71 (4), 884-897, 2017
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Articles 1–20