Dr. Nina Krey
Dr. Nina Krey
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Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling in the Journal of Advertising: Review and Recommendations
JF Hair Jr, BJ Babin, N Krey
Journal of Advertising 46 (1), 163-177, 2017
Wearable technologies: The role of usefulness and visibility in smartwatch adoption
SHW Chuah, PA Rauschnabel, N Krey, B Nguyen, T Ramayah, S Lade
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 276-284, 2016
Brand management in higher education: the university brand personality scale
PA Rauschnabel, N Krey, BJ Babin, BS Ivens
Journal of Business Research 69 (8), 3077-3086, 2016
What is augmented reality marketing? Its definition, complexity, and future
PA Rauschnabel, BJ Babin, MC tom Dieck, N Krey, T Jung
Journal of Business Research 142, 1140-1150, 2022
Still work and/or fun? Corroboration of the hedonic and utilitarian shopping value scale
K Picot-Coupey, N Krey, E Huré, CL Ackermann
Journal of Business Research 126, 578-590, 2021
How functional and emotional ads drive smartwatch adoption: The moderating role of consumer innovativeness and extraversion
N Krey, SHW Chuah, T Ramayah, PA Rauschnabel
Internet Research 29 (3), 578-602, 2019
Remembering shopping experiences: the shopping experience memory scale
M Flacandji, N Krey
Journal of Business Research 107, 279-289, 2020
I’ll have the usual: how restaurant brand image, loyalty, and satisfaction keep customers coming back
JA Espinosa, DJ Ortinau, N Krey, L Monahan
Journal of Product & Brand Management 27 (6), 599-614, 2018
The touchy issue of produce: Need for touch in online grocery retailing
F Kühn, M Lichters, N Krey
Journal of Business Research 117, 244-255, 2020
Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers: Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC)
P Rossi, N Krey
Springer, 2018
Shopping mall retailing: A bibliometric analysis and systematic assessment of Chebat's contributions
N Krey, K Picot-Coupey, G Cliquet
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 64, 102702, 2022
Marketing Transformation: Marketing Practice in an Ever Changing World: Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC)
P Rossi, N Krey
Exploring the Influence of Touch Points on Tourist Experiences at Crisis Impacted Destinations
N Krey, MC tom Dieck, S Wu, P Fountoulaki
Journal of Travel Research 62 (1), 39-54, 2023
How does ethics institutionalization reduce academic cheating?
IT Popoola, B Garner, A Ammeter, N Krey, D Beu Ammeter, S Schafer
Journal of Education for Business 92 (1), 29-35, 2017
Meta-analytic evidence on personal shopping value
BJ Babin, N Krey
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 35 (3), 124-132, 2020
Smartwatches: accessory or tool? The driving force of visibility and usefulness
N Krey, P Rauschnabel, S Chuah, B Nguyen, D Hein, A Rossmann, ...
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Hedonic and utilitarian value: the role of shared responsibility in higher education services
JT Cao, J Foster, G Yaoyuneyong, N Krey
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2019
Virtually enhancing the real world with augmented reality holograms: use and gratification perspective: an abstract
PA Rauschnabel, N Krey
Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value …, 2018
Boundary Blurred: A Seamless Customer Experience in Virtual and Real Spaces
N Krey, P Rossi
HAL Post-Print, 2018
Résultats d’une méta-analyse sur la valeur perçue de magasinage
BJ Babin, N Krey
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 35 (3), 132-141, 2020
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