Fei Li
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Cited by
Impact of Arctic Oscillation on the East Asian climate: A review
S He, Y Gao, F Li, H Wang, Y He
Earth-Science Reviews 164, 48-62, 2017
Arctic sea ice and Eurasian climate: A review
Y Gao, J Sun, F Li, S He, S Sandven, Q Yan, Z Zhang, K Lohmann, ...
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 32, 92-114, 2015
Arctic sea-ice loss intensifies aerosol transport to the Tibetan Plateau
F Li, X Wan, H Wang, YJ Orsolini, Z Cong, Y Gao, S Kang
Nature Climate Change 10 (11), 1037-1044, 2020
Autumn sea ice cover, winter Northern Hemisphere annular mode, and winter precipitation in Eurasia
F Li, H Wang
Journal of Climate 26 (11), 3968-3981, 2012
Teleconnection between sea ice in the Barents Sea in June and the Silk Road, Pacific–Japan and East Asian rainfall patterns in August
S He, Y Gao, T Furevik, H Wang, F Li
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 35, 52-64, 2018
Relationship between Bering Sea ice cover and East Asian winter monsoon year-to-year variations
F Li, H Wang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 30, 48-56, 2013
Atlantic multidecadal oscillation modulates the impacts of Arctic sea ice decline
F Li, YJ Orsolini, H Wang, Y Gao, S He
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (5), 2497-2506, 2018
On the strengthened relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and Arctic Oscillation: A comparison of 1950–70 and 1983–2012
F Li, H Wang, Y Gao
Journal of Climate 27 (13), 5075-5091, 2014
Autumn Eurasian snow depth, autumn Arctic sea ice cover and East Asian winter monsoon.
F Li, H Wang
International Journal of Climatology 34 (13), 2014
Strengthened linkage between midlatitudes and Arctic in boreal winter
X Xu, S He, Y Gao, T Furevik, H Wang, F Li, F Ogawa
Climate Dynamics 53, 3971-3983, 2019
Impact of northern Eurasian snow cover in autumn on the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern during the following January and its linkage to stationary planetary waves
X Xu, S He, F Li, H Wang
Climate Dynamics 50, 1993-2006, 2018
Predictability of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variability as indicated by the DEMETER CGCMS
F Li, H Wang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 29, 441-454, 2012
Impacts of the autumn Arctic sea ice on the intraseasonal reversal of the winter Siberian high
Z Lü, S He, F Li, H Wang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 36, 173-188, 2019
Subseasonal reversal of East Asian surface temperature variability in winter 2014/15
X Xu, F Li, S He, H Wang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 35, 737-752, 2018
The strengthening relationship between Arctic Oscillation and ENSO after the mid-1990s.
F Li, H Wang, J Liu
International Journal of Climatology 34 (7), 2014
Understanding of European cold extremes, sudden stratospheric warming, and Siberian snow accumulation in the winter of 2017/18
Z Lü, F Li, YJ Orsolini, Y Gao, S He
Journal of Climate 33 (2), 527-545, 2020
Extratropical ocean warming and winter Arctic sea ice cover since the 1990s
F Li, H Wang, Y Gao
Journal of Climate 28 (14), 5510-5522, 2015
Change in sea ice cover is responsible for non-uniform variation in winter temperature over East Asia
L Fei, W Hui-Jun, G Yong-Qi
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 8 (6), 376-382, 2015
Impact of snow initialization in subseasonal‐to‐seasonal winter forecasts with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model
F Li, YJ Orsolini, N Keenlyside, ML Shen, F Counillon, YG Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (17-18), 10033-10048, 2019
Impact of late spring Siberian snow on summer rainfall in South-Central China
H Shen, F Li, S He, YJ Orsolini, J Li
Climate Dynamics 54, 3803-3818, 2020
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