Ioannis (John) Arvanitakis
Ioannis (John) Arvanitakis
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Piecewise affine modeling and constrained optimal control for a pneumatic artificial muscle
G Andrikopoulos, G Nikolakopoulos, I Arvanitakis, S Manesis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (2), 904-916, 2014
A new approach for broken rotor bar detection in induction motors using frequency extraction in stray flux signals
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, JA Antonino-Daviu, KN Gyftakis
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (4), 3501-3511, 2019
Analysis of stray flux spectral components in induction machines under rotor bar breakages at various locations
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, JA Antonino-Daviu, KN Gyftakis
2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2345-2351, 2018
Mobile robot navigation in unknown environment based on exploration principles
I Arvanitakis, K Giannousakis, A Tzes
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 493-498, 2016
On the broken rotor bar diagnosis using time–frequency analysis:‘Is one spectral representation enough for the characterisation of monitored signals?’
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, JA Antonino‐Daviu, KN Gyftakis
IET Electric Power Applications 13 (7), 932-942, 2019
FEM approach for diagnosis of induction machines' non‐adjacent broken rotor bars by short‐time Fourier transform spectrogram
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, JA Antonino‐Daviu, KN Gyftakis
The Journal of Engineering 2019 (17), 4566-4570, 2019
Induction motors torque analysis via frequency extraction for reliable broken rotor bar detection
KN Gyftakis, DV Spyropoulos, I Arvanitakis, PA Panagiotou, ED Mitronikas
2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) 1, 1468-1474, 2020
Extraction of frequency information for the reliable screening of rotor electrical faults via torque monitoring in induction motors
DV Spyropoulos, PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, ED Mitronikas, KN Gyftakis
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57 (6), 5949-5958, 2021
Collaborative mapping and navigation for a mobile robot swarm
I Arvanitakis, A Tzes
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 696-700, 2017
Mobile Robot Navigation Under Pose Uncertainty in Unknown Environments
I Arvanitakis, A Tzes, K Giannousakis
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 12710-12714, 2017
A switched system modeling approach for a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator
G Andrikopoulos, J Arvanitakis, S Manesis, G Nikolakopoulos
2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 833-839, 2012
Switching model predictive control of a pneumatic artificial muscle
G Andrikopoulos, G Nikolakopoulos, I Arvanitakis, S Manesis
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 11, 1223-1231, 2013
FEM study of induction machines suffering from rotor electrical faults using stray flux signature analysis
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, KN Gyftakis
2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 1861-1867, 2018
Synergistic exploration and navigation of mobile robots under pose uncertainty in unknown environments
I Arvanitakis, A Tzes, K Giannousakis
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 15 (1), 1729881417750785, 2018
Trajectory optimization satisfying the robot's kinodynamic constraints for obstacle avoidance
I Arvanitakis, A Tzes
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 128-133, 2012
State feedback of complex systems using fuzzy cognitive maps
V Mpelogianni, I Arvanitakis, PP Groumpos
International Journal of Business and Technology 6 (3), 1-6, 2018
Geodesic motion planning on 3D-terrains satisfying the robot's kinodynamic constraints
I Arvanitakis, A Tzes, M Thanou
IECON 2013-39th annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society …, 2013
A collaborative unmanned helicopter control strategy for image compression and wireless transmission
G Nikolakopoulos, K Alexis, I Arvanitakis, A Tzes
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10, 1206-1211, 2010
A critical comparison on attitude estimation: From gaussian approximate filters to coordinate-free dual optimal control
NP Koumpis, PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis
IET Control Theory and Applications, 2021
Frequency extraction of current signal spectral components: A new tool for the detection of rotor electrical faults in induction motors
PA Panagiotou, I Arvanitakis, N Lophitis, KN Gyftakis
2019 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical …, 2019
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