Erika M Swanson
Erika M Swanson
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A model for fire‐induced sediment yield by dry ravel in steep landscapes
MP Lamb, JS Scheingross, WH Amidon, E Swanson, A Limaye
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F3), 2011
Temperatures and fluids on faults based on carbonate clumped–isotope thermometry
EM Swanson, BP Wernicke, JM Eiler, S Losh
American Journal of Science 312 (1), 1-21, 2012
Preliminary investigation into the complexities of the Ailao Shan and Day Nui Con Voi shear zones of SE Yunnan and Vietnam
BC Burchfiel, L Chen, E Wang, E Swanson
Geological Society of America Special Papers 444, 45-58, 2008
Detecting surface changes from an underground explosion in granite using unmanned aerial system photogrammetry
ES Schultz-Fellenz, RT Coppersmith, AJ Sussman, EM Swanson, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175 (9), 3159-3177, 2018
High-resolution surface topographic change analyses to characterize a series of underground explosions
ES Schultz-Fellenz, EM Swanson, AJ Sussman, RT Coppersmith, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 246, 111871, 2020
A New Method for High Resolution Surface Change Detection: Data Collection and Validation of Measurements from UAS at the Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, USA
B Crawford, E Swanson, E Schultz-Fellenz, A Collins, J Dann, E Lathrop, ...
Drones 5 (2), 25, 2021
The Complicated Link Between Material Properties and Microfracture Density for an Underground Explosion in Granite
E Swanson, J Wilson, S Broome, A Sussman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (11), e2020JB019894, 2020
Episodic Dissolution, Precipitation, and Slip along the Heart Mountain Detachment, Wyoming
E Swanson, BP Wernicke, TA Hauge
The Journal of Geology 124 (1), 75-97, 2016
Regional Geologic Evaluations for Disposal of HLW and SNF: Alluvial Basins of the Basin and Range Province
FV Perry, E Swanson, DM Milazzo, GYA Bussod, RE Kelley
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2018
Rapid clay precipitation in explosion-induced fractures
E Swanson, A Sussman, J Wilson
Geology 47 (12), 1176-1180, 2019
Laboratory Noble Gas Migration Experiments through Rock
S Broome, A Cashion, J Feldman, AJ Sussman, E Swanson, J Wilson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Multi-INT Signature Collection and Exploitation for Security: Improving Discrimination, Analyses, and Passive Tracking Capabilities for Time-and Distance-Varying Signatures in …
JD Webster, JD Carmichael, EM Casleton, ES Schultz-Fellenz, ...
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2021
Hyperspectral vegetation identification at a legacy underground nuclear explosion test site
BJ Redman, JD van der Laan, DZ Anderson, JM Craven, ED Miller, ...
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing …, 2019
Multi-scale fracture damage associated with underground chemical explosions
EM Swanson, AJ Sussman, JE Wilson, MJ Townsend, LB Prothro, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 110, 142-154, 2018
Geologic map of the east-central Meadow Valley Mountains, and implications for reconstruction of the Mormon Peak detachment, Nevada
E Swanson, BP Wernicke
Geosphere 13 (4), 1234-1253, 2017
Advances in 3D Geologic Modeling of Alluvial Basins with a Focus on Facies and Property Modeling
MR Gross, T LaForce, EJ Guiltinan, DM Milazzo, TA Miller, E Swanson, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2023
Incorporating Heterogeneity into 3D Geologic Models for the Alluvial Basin Reference Case
MR Gross, PH Stauffer, EJ Guiltinan, DM Milazzo, TA Miller, E Swanson, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2023
UAS LiDAR mapping of an Arctic tundra watershed: Challenges and opportunities
AD Collins, CG Andresen, LM Charsley-Groffman, T Cochran, J Dann, ...
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2020
Fluid Flow, Brecciation, and Shear Heating on Faults: Insights From Carbonate Clumped‐Isotope Thermometry
EM Swanson, BP Wernicke, JM Eiler
Tectonics 37 (9), 2938-2960, 2018
UNESE Laboratory Noble Gas Migration Experiments Through Rock.
ST Broome, JD Feldman, AT Cashion, JE Heath, KL Kuhlman, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
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Articles 1–20