Xavier Comas
Xavier Comas
Florida Atlantic University; Department of Geosciences
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Geophysical evidence for peat basin morphology and stratigraphic controls on vegetation observed in a Northern Peatland
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Journal of Hydrology 295 (1-4), 173-184, 2004
Imaging tropical peatlands in Indonesia using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity imaging (ERI): implications for carbon stock estimates and peat soil …
X Comas, N Terry, L Slater, M Warren, R Kolka, A Kristiyono, N Sudiana, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (10), 2995-3007, 2015
Low‐frequency electrical properties of peat
X Comas, L Slater
Water Resources Research 40 (12), 2004
Stratigraphic controls on pool formation in a domed bog inferred from ground penetrating radar (GPR)
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Journal of Hydrology 315 (1-4), 40-51, 2005
Seasonal geophysical monitoring of biogenic gases in a northern peatland: Implications for temporal and spatial variability in free phase gas production rates
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G1), 2008
Ecohydrologically important subsurface structures in peatlands revealed by ground‐penetrating radar and complex conductivity surveys
N Kettridge, X Comas, A Baird, L Slater, M Strack, D Thompson, H Jol, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G4), 2008
Spatial variability in biogenic gas accumulations in peat soils is revealed by ground penetrating radar (GPR)
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (8), 2005
Pool patterning in a northern peatland: Geophysical evidence for the role of postglacial landforms
X Comas, L Slater, AS Reeve
Journal of hydrology 399 (3-4), 173-184, 2011
Evolution of biogenic gases in peat blocks inferred from noninvasive dielectric permittivity measurements
X Comas, L Slater
Water Resources Research 43 (5), 2007
In situ monitoring of free‐phase gas accumulation and release in peatlands using ground penetrating radar (GPR)
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Geophysical research letters 34 (6), 2007
Carbon cycling in northern peatlands
AJ Baird, LRB Belyea, X Comas, AS Reeve, LD Slater
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
The contribution of ground penetrating radar to water resource research
L Slater, X Comas, HM Jol
Ground penetrating radar: theory and applications, 203-246, 2009
Atmospheric pressure drives changes in the vertical distribution of biogenic free‐phase gas in a northern peatland
X Comas, L Slater, AS Reeve
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G4), 2011
Resistivity‐based monitoring of biogenic gases in peat soils
L Slater, X Comas, D Ntarlagiannis, MR Moulik
Water Resources Research 43 (10), 2007
Variations in free‐phase gases in peat landforms determined by ground‐penetrating radar
AD Parsekian, L Slater, X Comas, PH Glaser
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G2), 2010
Geophysical and hydrological evaluation of two bog complexes in a northern peatland: Implications for the distribution of biogenic gases at the basin scale
X Comas, L Slater, A Reeve
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (4), 2005
Architecture of the deep critical zone in the Río Icacos watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico) inferred from drilling and ground penetrating radar (GPR)
J Orlando, X Comas, SA Hynek, HL Buss, SL Brantley
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (13), 1826-1840, 2016
Identifying the boundaries of sinkholes and subsidence areas via trenching and establishing setback distances
F Gutiérrez, M Zarroca, R Linares, C Roqué, D Carbonel, J Guerrero, ...
Engineering Geology 233, 255-268, 2018
Catalytic activity of nickel nanoparticles stabilized by adsorbing polymers for enhanced carbon sequestration
S Seo, GA Perez, K Tewari, X Comas, M Kim
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11786, 2018
The effect of peat structure on the spatial distribution of biogenic gases within bogs
X Comas, N Kettridge, A Binley, L Slater, A Parsekian, AJ Baird, M Strack, ...
Hydrological processes 28 (22), 5483-5494, 2014
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Articles 1–20