Laila Moujir Moujir
Laila Moujir Moujir
Profesora de Microbiología
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Antimicrobial terpenoids from the oleoresin of the Peruvian medicinal plant Copaifera paupera
BM Tincusi, IA Jiménez, IL Bazzocchi, LM Moujir, ZA Mamani, JP Barroso, ...
Planta medica 68 (09), 808-812, 2002
Ethnobotanical uses of Celastraceae. Bioactive metabolites
AG González, IL Bazzocchi, L Moujir, IA Jiménez
Studies in natural products chemistry 23, 649-738, 2000
A first study of antibacterial activity of diterpenes isolated from some Salvia species (Lamiaceae)
AG González, T Abad, IA Jiménez, AG Ravelo, JGLZ Aguiar, ...
Biochemical Systematics and ecology 17 (4), 293-296, 1989
Lupane Triterpenoids from Maytenus Species
MJ Núñez, CP Reyes, IA Jiménez, L Moujir, IL Bazzocchi
Journal of natural products 68 (7), 1018-1021, 2005
Structure—antimicrobial activity relationships of abietane diterpenes from Salvia species
L Moujir, AM Gutiérrez-Navarro, L San Andrés, JG Luis
Phytochemistry 34 (6), 1493-1495, 1993
Cytotoxic Sesquiterpenes from Aplysia dactylomela
T Dias, I Brito, L Moujir, N Paiz, J Darias, M Cueto
Journal of natural products 68 (11), 1677-1679, 2005
Antimicrobial activity of 6-oxophenolic triterpenoids. Mode of action against Bacillus subtilis
L de León, B Beltrán, L Moujir
Planta medica 71 (04), 313-319, 2005
Antimicrobial Activity of 6-Oxophenolic Triterpenoids. Mode of Action against Bacillus subtilis
L Moujir
Planta Med 71, 1-8, 2005
Bioactive Diterpenoids Isolated from Salvia mellifera
L Moujir, AM Gutiérrez‐Navarro, L San Andrés, JG Luis
Phytotherapy Research 10 (2), 172-174, 1996
Antibacterial properties of zeylasterone, a triterpenoid isolated from Maytenus blepharodes, against Staphylococcus aureus
L De León, MR López, L Moujir
Microbiological research 165 (8), 617-626, 2010
Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of some Panamanian plants from Celastraceae and Lamiaceae
AG González, IL Bazzocchi, L Moujir, AG Ravelo, MD Correa, MP Gupta
Journal of ethnopharmacology 46 (1), 25-29, 1995
Structure and absolute configuration of triterpene dimers from Maytenus scutioides
AG González, NL Alvarenga, A Estévez-Braun, AG Ravelo, IL Bazzocchi, ...
Tetrahedron 52 (28), 9597-9608, 1996
Antibiotic phenol nor-triterpenes from Maytenus canariensis
AG González, NL Alvarenga, AG Ravelo, IA Jiménez, IL Bazzocchi, ...
Phytochemistry 43 (1), 129-132, 1996
Antibiotic activity and absolute configuration of 8S-heptadeca-2 (Z), 9 (Z)-diene-4, 6-diyne-1, 8-diol from Bupleurum salicifolium
A Estevez-Braun, R Estevez-Reyes, LM Moujir, AG Ravelo, AG Gonzalez
Journal of natural products 57 (8), 1178-1182, 1994
Withaferin A-related steroids from Withania aristata exhibit potent antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis in human tumor cells
GG LLanos, LM Araujo, IA Jiménez, LM Moujir, IL Bazzocchi
European journal of medicinal chemistry 54, 499-511, 2012
Scutione, a new bioactive norquinonemethide triterpene from Maytenus scutioides (Celastraceae)
AG González, NL Alvarenga, AG Ravelo, IL Bazzocchi, EA Ferro, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 4 (6), 815-820, 1996
The relationship between structure and antimicrobial activity in quinones from the Celastraceae
L Moujir, AM Gutiérrez-navarro, AG González, AG Ravelo, JG Luis
Biochemical systematics and ecology 18 (1), 25-28, 1990
Screening of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Panamanian plants
AG Gonzalez, L Moujir, IL Bazzocchi, MD Correa, MP Gupta
Phytomedicine 1 (2), 149-153, 1994
Efficacy of ciprofloxacin implants in treating experimental osteomyelitis
H Alvarez, C Castro, L Moujir, A Perera, A Delgado, I Soriano, C Evora, ...
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An …, 2008
Cytotoxic activity of lignans from Hibiscus cannabinus
L Moujir, AML Seca, AMS Silva, MR López, N Padilla, JAS Cavaleiro, ...
Fitoterapia 78 (5), 385-387, 2007
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Articles 1–20