Robert John
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Cited by
Soil nutrients influence spatial distributions of tropical tree species
R John, JW Dalling, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, RF Stallard, M Mirabello, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (3), 864-869, 2007
Soil resources and topography shape local tree community structure in tropical forests
CA Baldeck, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, R Valencia, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1753), 20122532, 2013
Nonrandom processes maintain diversity in tropical forests
C Wills, KE Harms, R Condit, D King, J Thompson, F He, ...
Science 311 (5760), 527-531, 2006
Consistent response of vegetation dynamics to recent climate change in tropical mountain regions
J Krishnaswamy, R John, S Joseph
Global change biology 20 (1), 203-215, 2014
Habitat filtering across tree life stages in tropical forest communities
CA Baldeck, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, R Valencia, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1766), 20130548, 2013
The relationship between species richness and evenness in plant communities along a successional gradient: a study from sub-alpine meadows of the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan …
H Zhang, R John, Z Peng, J Yuan, C Chu, G Du, S Zhou
PloS one 7 (11), e49024, 2012
Resource‐based habitat associations in a neotropical liana community
JW Dalling, SA Schnitzer, C Baldeck, KE Harms, R John, SA Mangan, ...
Journal of Ecology 100 (5), 1174-1182, 2012
Are functional traits a good predictor of global change impacts on tree species abundance dynamics in a subtropical forest?
R Li, S Zhu, HYH Chen, R John, G Zhou, D Zhang, Q Zhang, Q Ye
Ecology Letters 18 (11), 1181-1189, 2015
Tropical tree a-diversity: results from a worldwide network of large plots
RS Condit, MS Ashton, H Balslev, NVL Brokaw, S Bunyavejchewin, ...
Biologiske Skrifter, 2005
Using functional trait diversity patterns to disentangle the scale‐dependent ecological processes in a subtropical forest
H Zhang, HYH Chen, J Lian, R John, LI Ronghua, H Liu, W Ye, ...
Functional Ecology 32 (5), 1379-1389, 2018
Topographical influence on recent deforestation and degradation in the Sikkim Himalaya in India; Implications for conservation of East Himalayan broadleaf forest
R Kanade, R John
Applied Geography 92, 85-93, 2018
Using functional trait diversity to evaluate the contribution of multiple ecological processes to community assembly during succession
H Zhang, W Qi, R John, W Wang, F Song, S Zhou
Ecography 38 (12), 1176-1186, 2015
Mudumalai forest dynamics plot, India
R Sukumar, HS Suresh, HS Dattaraja, R John, NV Joshi
Tropical forest diversity and dynamism: Findings from a large-scale plot …, 2004
Density‐dependence in common tree species in a tropical dry forest in Mudumalai, southern India
R John, HS Dattaraja, HS Suresh, R Sukumar
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (1), 45-56, 2002
A taxonomic comparison of local habitat niches of tropical trees
CA Baldeck, SW Kembel, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, ...
Oecologia 173, 1491-1498, 2013
Neighbourhood effects on sapling growth and survival in a neotropical forest and the ecological-equivalence hypothesis.
M Uriarte, SP Hubbell, R John, R Condit, CD Canham
Greater tree community structure complexity in sacred forest compared to reserve forest land tenure systems in eastern India
S Rath, S Banerjee, R John
Environmental conservation 47 (1), 52-59, 2020
Shifts in functional trait–species abundance relationships over secondary subalpine meadow succession in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau
H Zhang, R John, S Zhu, H Liu, Q Xu, W Qi, K Liu, HYH Chen, Q Ye
Oecologia 188, 547-557, 2018
Habitat filtering and exclusion of weak competitors jointly explain fern species assemblage along a light and water gradient
H Zhang, S Zhu, R John, R Li, H Liu, Q Ye
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 298, 2017
Phylogenetic turnover along local environmental gradients in tropical forest communities
CA Baldeck, SW Kembel, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, ...
Oecologia 182, 547-557, 2016
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Articles 1–20