Carlos Daniel Paulino
Carlos Daniel Paulino
(Technical) University of Lisbon
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Estatística Bayesiana, 1ª ed.
CD Paulino, MA Amaral Turkman, B Murteira
Estatıstica Bayesiana, Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 446, 2003
Binomial regression with misclassification
C Daniel Paulino, P Soares, J Neuhaus
Biometrics 59 (3), 670-675, 2003
Análise de dados categorizados
CD Paulino, J da Motta Singer
Editora Blucher, 2006
On identifiability of parametric statistical models
CDM Paulino, CA de Bragança Pereira
Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 3, 125-151, 1994
Non-homogeneous Poisson models with a change-point: an application to ozone peaks in Mexico city
JA Achcar, ER Rodrigues, CD Paulino, P Soares
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 17, 521-541, 2010
Computational Bayesian Statistics - an Introduction
MA Amaral Turkman, CD Paulino, P Muller
Bayesian analysis of correlated misclassified binary data
CD Paulino, G Silva, JA Achcar
Computational statistics & data analysis 49 (4), 1120-1131, 2005
Estimation of T-cell repertoire diversity and clonal size distribution by Poisson abundance models
N Sepúlveda, CD Paulino, J Carneiro
Journal of immunological methods 353 (1-2), 124-137, 2010
A Bayesian semiparametric approach for the differential analysis of sequence counts data
M Guindani, N Sepúlveda, CD Paulino, P Müller
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 63 (3 …, 2014
Bayesian methods for categorical data under informative general censoring
CDM Paulino, CA de Braganca Pereira
Biometrika 82 (2), 439-446, 1995
A statistical model investigating the prevalence of tuberculosis in New York City using counting processes with two change-points
JA Achcar, EZ Martinez, A Ruffino-Netto, CD Paulino, P Soares
Epidemiology & Infection 136 (12), 1599-1605, 2008
Sample size and power calculations for detecting changes in malaria transmission using antibody seroconversion rate
N Sepulveda, CD Paulino, C Drakeley
Malaria journal 14, 1-14, 2015
Missing data mechanisms and their implications on the analysis of categorical data
FZ Poleto, JM Singer, CD Paulino
Statistics and Computing 21, 31-43, 2011
Incomplete categorical data analysis: A Bayesian perspective
P Soares, CD Paulino
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 69 (2), 157-170, 2001
Bayesian analysis of categorical data informatively censored
C Daniel Mimoso Paulino, C Alberto De Bragança Pereira
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 21 (9), 2689-2705, 1992
Glossário inglês-português de estatística
CD Paulino, D Pestana, J Branco, J Singer, L Barroso, W Bussab, ...
Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística e Associação Brasileira de Estatística, 30, 2011
Allelic penetrance approach as a tool to model two-locus interaction in complex binary traits
N Sepúlveda, CD Paulino, J Carneiro, C Penha-Gonçalves
Heredity 99 (2), 173-184, 2007
A product-multinomial framework for categorical data analysis with missing responses
FZ Poleto, JM Singer, CD Paulino
Comparing diagnostic tests with missing data
FZ Poleto, JM Singer, CD Paulino
Journal of Applied Statistics 38 (6), 1207-1222, 2011
Inferential Implications of Over‐Parametrization: A Case Study in Incomplete Categorical Data
FZ Poleto, CD Paulino, G Molenberghs, JM Singer
International Statistical Review 79 (1), 92-113, 2011
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